Engelbart Colloquium - Video Archive
"An In-Depth Look at the Unfinished Revolution"
Welcome to the video courseware for "Engelbart's Colloquium - An In-Depth Look at the Unfinished Revolution," presented at Stanford University, Winter Quarter, 2000 (or "UnRevII" for short). This ten-week Colloquium offers professionals and executives a rare opportunity to listen to and learn from visionary Doug Engelbart presenting his life's work, creative process, and his concerns and vision for the future, in detail. It is a deep dive exploration of the revolution he anticipated would be needed for our organizations, initiatives, governments and societies to reach their highest potential in an era of accelerating change. This Colloquium is an in-depth treatment of the key concepts, vision and strategies presented in Engelbart's Call to Action and the Engelbart Academy, with guest speakers from industry and the public sector discussing how the topics are relevant in their respective fields, with concrete suggestions and action for implementing.
Watch the chapterized sessions below, or continuous play on YouTube. See the Colloqium website for full description, program, illustrated transcripts, speakers bios, participant forum, project archive, photos, etc. See also course resources at the Stanford Center for Professional Development, including Course Announcement, Intended Audience, and speaker's Slide Decks.
Ten Sessions
The following footage chapterized from Engelbart Colloquium Video Playlist. See also Colloquium Website, Speakers' Slides and Session Transcripts.
1. The next frontier - How big is big?
This first session sets the stage for the overall colloquium by describing the conundrum of rapidly increasing urgency and complexity of problems facing society's organizations and institutions, vs. the concomitant requirement for a bold strategic approach for dramatically augmenting organizational capability. Cases presented by guest experts. Doug covers the importance of shifting paradigms, and briefly introduces the elements of a Bootstrapping strategy.
2. Augmenting organizational capabilities
The second session details ways in which organizations can augment their capabilities by being pro-active in the evolution of techniques and approaches within their "human systems," keeping in mind, and in advance of improvements in "tool systems." This pro-active approach is designed to increase effiiciencies for large scale improvements that require simultaneous changes in both human and tool systems.
3. Leveraging our collective intelligence
The third session explores ways in which collective intelligence can be improved with appropriate methodologies and information technology-based tools. The primary focus of the session will be on processes for concurrent development, integration, and application of knowledge (CoDIAK), and their relationship to a dynamic knowledge repository, a comprehensive, adaptive environment for containing knowledge and meta-knowledge.
4. Enabling technology - Missing pieces
The fourth session delves deeper into processes and the existing technologies and tools that can be used to make a dynamic knowledge repository more effective. In particular, the concept of an Open Hyper-document System will be described, and ways in which existing technological elements and components can be joined now to build an open-source, evolvable system within a community of collaborators, along the lines of the Linux or the Apache communities.
5. Bootstrapping continuous improvement
The fifth session proposes ways in which competing organizations can operate in their traditional, closed fashion, performing their basic roles (for example in manufacturing, healthcare, energy production, etc.), while at the same time sharing some lessons at the level of improving their capabilities (learning how to improve their basic processes), and sharing openly at the meta-level of improving their improvement processes.
6. Networked improvement communities
The sixth session discusses how improvement communities can improve their performance by cooperating with others that also align themselves along improvement vectors that are of mutual value. The case for Bootstrap Alliance, a purposely designed organization dedicated to large-scale improvement will be made, and a description of ways in which participants could contribute their unique capabilities toward a common set of goals.
7. Scalable improvement infrastructures
The seventh session deals with the issues of scaling improvement communities to an ever larger size and scope, and the challenges and opportunities in doing so.
8. Pilot outposts on the frontier
The eighth session presents ways in which Bootstrapping can be led by high-performance teams. The assumption is that given the resources needed, it makes more sense to lead new implementations with specialized teams who can better do the exploration and documentation of the "frontier." Therefore, by strategically developing and deploying high-performance teams, high-performance support teams and supporting high-performance scholarship, Bootstrapping can occur most resource-effective.
9. Bootstrapping in your organization and community
The ninth session summarizes some of the lessons learned and shared throughout the Colloquium, in particular describing the ways in which bootstrapping can be implemented across different organizations, of various sizes, and for multiple purposes.
10. Tying it all together - Next steps
The final session summarizes the whole colloquium and seeks to explore ways in which the Bootstrapping movement can be deployed.
Detailed Review
Further Inquiry
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