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Dr. Doug Engelbart

Curriculum Vitae 0

Dr. Douglas C. Engelbart
Founding Director
The Doug Engelbart Institute
(1925-2013) 1

1948. B.S. in Electrical Engineering, Oregon State University where he was Senior Honor Student and member of Phi Kappa Phi, Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Tau, Eta Kappa Nu, Blue Key
1953. M.S. in Electrical Engineering with a specialty in Computers, University of California at Berkeley.
1955. Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering with a specialty in Computers, University of California at Berkeley where he was a Sigma XI.
1994. Honorary Doctorate, Oregon State University.*
2001. Honorary Doctorate, Santa Clara University.*
2011. Honorary Doctorate, Yale University.* 3

1990-2008. Director, Bootstrap Institute & Bootstrap Alliance (now DEI), Menlo Park, CA.
Worked closely with industry and government stakeholders on the practical application of his work, and continued with speaking engagements, seminars, and publications. Founded the non-profit Bootstrap Alliance as an organizational base for partner and affiliate organizations. Part time Visiting Scholar at Stanford University.
1989-90. Director, Bootstrap Project, Stanford University.
(18-Month Project) laid the groundwork for a multi-corporate Bootstrap Initiative for cooperative advanced research in collaborative knowledge development, including: (1) requirements for an open hyperdocument system (OHS); (2) exploratory pilots in which too-evolve associated work methods with successive OHS prototypes; and(3) strategies for in-house deployment and continuous improvement. Developed a three-day management seminar to communicate the underlying strategic framework to executives.
1984-89. Senior Scientist, McDonnell Douglas Corporation ISG, San Jose, CA.
Transferred to MDC upon the company acquiring Tymshare in 1984. Worked closely with the Aerospace Components on issues of integrated information-system architectures and associated evolutionary strategies(an extension of work at Stanford Research Institute during 1957-77).
1977-84. Senior Scientist, Tymshare, Inc., Cupertino, CA.
Tymshare had bought the commercial rights to NLS, renamed it AUGMENT, and set the system up as a principal line of business in their newly formed Office Automation Division.
1959-77. Director, Augmentation Research Center, Stanford Research Institute*.
Directed own research laboratory of up to 47 people, pioneering modern interactive working environment. Developed oN-Line System (NLS) which integrated many firsts in computer technology, including the mouse, display editing, windows, cross-file editing, idea/outline processing, hypermedia, and groupware(incl. shared-screen teleconferencing and computer-supported meeting room. Initiated ARPANet's Network Information Center (NIC).
1957-59. Researcher, Stanford Research Institute*.
Worked on magnetic computer components; fundamental study of digital-device phenomena, and miniaturization scaling potential.
1955-56. Assistant Professor, electrical engineering, University of California at Berkeley.
1948-51. Electrical engineer, NACA Ames Laboratory, Mountain View, CA (now NASA).
1944-46. US Navy, electronic/radar technician, WW II.4

Inventor of the computer mouse, credited with many pioneering firsts including interactive computing, hypermedia, groupware, and online community support, much of which was first showcased in his now-famous 1968 Demo. His computer lab at SRI was the second to be linked into the internet (cf A Lifetime Pursuit a biographical sketch by Christina Engelbart). 5

• Seven patents relating to bi-stable gaseous plasma digital devices resulting from work 1954-58:
• Twelve patents relating to all-magnetic digital devices resulting from work 1954-58:
• A patent for the computer mouse. Note: Since 1959, the mouse was the only one of Engelbart's historical "firsts" then deemed patentable.
(cf Patents.) 6

Over forty awards and honors, including the National Medal of Technology, the Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition, the Lemelson-MIT Prize, the IEEE John Von Neumann Medal Award, the ACM Turing Award, and the American Ingenuity Award (cf Honors Awarded to Doug Engelbart). 7

• Elected Member, National Academy of Engineering, Washington, DC, since 1996.
• Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, since 1994.
• Network Member, Global Business Network
• National Academy of Science Committee on Augmentation of Human Intellect, 1989.
• Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, Advisory Board Member, ongoing.
• The Technology Center of Silicon Valley, Advisory Council Member, ongoing.
• National Academy of Science panel on the future role of computers in research libraries, 1968-70.
• IEEE member since 1947 (AIEE & IRE); treasurer, vice-chairman, also chairman of San Francisco Chapter of IEEE Professional Group on Electronic Computers (PGEC) 1957-59. 8

Public life
Has participated as keynote speaker at several dozen conferences in the U.S. and abroad and been interviewed for numerous newspaper and magazine articles as well as on radio and on TV (cf Press Clippings and Videography). 9

Technical publications
Has written more than two dozen technical articles impacting how society may perform better (cf Engelbart Bibliography). 10

Footnotes 11

* Re Honorary Doctorate, Oregon State University. Citation, dated June 12,1994: 11a

Upon recommendation of the Faculty Committee on Honorary Doctorates, and with the approval of the State Board of Higher Education, the President of the University has selected the following recipient to receive an honorary doctorate: DOUGLAS C. ENGELBART, Doctor of Engineering 11a1

Douglas C. Engelbart,a 1948 graduate of OSU in electrical engineering, is one of the true pioneers in the computing industry. Almost every person who uses personal computer, at home or in the office likely has been influenced by his creative mind. 11a2

Engelbart has had an enormous impact on modern computing, yet he has received little recognition for his efforts. He invented the concept of computer "windows," which allow users access to multiple directories or files, and presents them in a more visual manner. 11a3

He also is credited with the invention of the computer mouse, a handy gadget that allows the user to quickly and efficiently move the cursor to a desired location. 11a4

These inventions emerged from a comprehensive strategic framework which Engelbart formulated in 1962 as an effort to integrate computer systems. Other now-common features developed in that early effort include integrated electronic mail, hypermedia, structured document files, and multi-tool integration. 11a5

Today, many of these features are found on software marketed by industry giants, including Apple Computer and Microsoft, and by hundreds of smaller companies around the world. 11a6

During his distinguished career, he has been a university educator, a research scientist, and an administrator. Since 1990, Engelbart has directed the Bootstrap Institute in Palo Alto, Calif., an organization that works closely with government and industry on the development of advanced knowledge. 11a7

Engelbart has received numerous awards for his achievements, including the American Ingenuity Award. . 11a8

* Re Honorary Doctorate, Santa Clara University. Citation, dated June 17,2001: 11b

The President and Board of Trustees of Santa Clara University Hereby Confer Upon Douglas C. Engelbart The Degree of Doctor of Science Honoris Causa. 11b1

A modern-day pioneer, you are one of a handful of trailblazers who helped to transform this region from the Valley of the Heart's Delight to the Silicon Valley, known around the world as the center of the high-tech revolution. 11b2

Over the past 30 years, you have imagined and created some of the most important tools in computer technology, including display editing, windows, hypermedia, and the mouse itself. At your hand began the clicking and double-clicking that is now heard around the world. 11b3

Today your concepts and inventions are widely recognized as central to the development of the industry, but this was not always the case. Over the years, you and your ideas were sometimes met with confusion, rejection, and outright hostility. But, as you once said of your life, 'The rate at which a person can mature is directly proportional to the embarrassment he can tolerate. I have tolerated a lot.' 11b4

A true visionary, you forged on through this storm of adversity, intent on bringing your ideas to life, and the world is a better place because of your perseverance. 11b5

In 1988, you and your daughter founded the Bootstrap Institute to highlight the many challenges we face as a society and to explore more effective ways to communicate and solve problems. Along with your technological creations, the Institute illustrates your devotion to collaboration, and your belief in boosting our collective capabilities. 11b6

For your brilliant mind, for your fearless pursuit of innovation, and for the countless ways your creations have advanced this valley and the world, Santa Clara University is proud to honor you today. 11b7

Affixed with the seal of the University and given at Santa Clara on the seventeenth day of June in the year of Our Lord two thousand one.
Signed: Paul Locatelli, S.J., President of the University
Signed: Edward A. Panelli, Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

* Then Stanford Research Institute, now SRI International still in Menlo Park, CA. 11c