Re: [unrev-II] TopicMaps, Ted Nelson, Virtual Files, and everything

From: Lee Iverson (
Date: Wed May 30 2001 - 16:58:24 PDT

  • Next message: Jack Park: "[unrev-II] WikiPedia"

    In message <>, Jack Park writes:
    >Interesting post, Lee. Why do you think you need anyone's permission to
    >offer up a conjecture?

    It wasn't my conjecture that was the potential problem, but the fact
    that it could be interpreted as devaluing your claim of the importance
    of "above the information". My point was really about being able to
    reuse data in a potentially arbitrary set of contexts. I don't really
    see any of the structure as being "above the information".

    Now, I do think this needs some clarifying, since I've been talking
    about "content" vs. "knowledge" for some time now. The distinction
    between these two in my mind is one of interpretation. The content
    layer is in a certain sense "uninterpreted", it is a container for raw
    objects and the relationships between them. Tags and labelled are
    simply stored and manipulated. The knowledge layer is the layer of
    richer "views", in which the raw data is placed in explicit,
    "meaning"-laden contexts. This is the layer at which XTM, RDF/S and
    DAML come into play.

    In terms of the node soup, is this explanation clam chowder (opaque)
    or consomme (clear)?

    Lee Iverson SRI International 333 Ravenswood Ave., Menlo Park CA 94025 (650) 859-3307

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