Re: Can IBIS be useful for individual/asynchronous collaboration? (was Re: [unrev-II] Visualstimuli & IBIS methodology)

Date: Wed Nov 07 2001 - 13:12:28 PST

  • Next message: "Re: Re: Can IBIS be useful for individual/asynchronous collaboration? (was Re: [unrev-II] Visual stimuli & IBIS methodology)"

    If by "discussion tool" you mean asynchronous,
    individual-at-their-own-computer discussions (as opposed to f2f or same
    time, virtual team discussions), then I'd be in partial agreement with your

    The 'partially' is because of the specific meaning I'd give to the terms
    "discussions" and "decisions". Following Karl Weick, we've moved away from
    the language of "decision-making" in favor of "sense-making." It's really
    about interweaving the right granular elements of a group's discourse with
    other elements in the right ways. That doesn't really reduce to decisions
    and discussions. The interweaving can happen at many different levels,
    using different forms, for different purposes.


    BTW a good Weick reference for the above is Weick, K. (1993). "Sensemaking
    and Group Support Systems." In L. Jessup and J. Valacich (Ed.), Group
    Support Systems: New Perspectives. New York: Macmillan.

    Eric wrote:

    Wow!!! Congratulations on the progress you guys have made.
    It seems clear that you guys are in a good position to know what
    works well, and what has problems.

    I find it particularly noteworthy that, having actually implemented
    a system that will allow carring on an IBIS-style investigation, it
    is still difficult to use that medium as a discussion tool. It seems
    rather as a good mechanism for recording discussions after the
    fact, and tying them to the decisions that result.

    Is that an accurate summary?

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