From: "Bernie DeKoven" <>
As I reviewed Doug's presentation about High Performance Teams, it seemed to
me that it would be valuable if we were to make some attempt to define the
organizational environments necessary to support such teamwork.
As anyone who has worked for a large corporation can tell you, most
organizations have systematic disincentives for collaboration -- even though
they go to great lengths to develop collaborative technologies and mandate
teamwork, the fact is that most people who participate in a collaborative
effort find that there is no actual financial benefit for doing so, and that
in the vast majority of cases, the boss gets the credit and they get, at
best, an invitation to attend another brainstorm session.
So this makes me think that it's as important for us to address the social
and psychological infrastructures supporting High Performance Teams as it is
to contemplate building the technology....
----- ----- Bernie DeKoven ----- -----
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