From: Eric Armstrong <>
Note: The eXtendDE-dev mailing list at
is now operational. This just came in from Dennis Hamilton,
and will be of interest to DKR developers. (I highlighted
some of the most interesting ones.)
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [eXtenDE-dev] FW: WebDAV State of Adoption Report
From: "Dennis E. Hamilton" <>
To: "eXtendDE Developers" <>
Here's a quick rundown on where WebDAV (IETF RFC 2518) is in terms of
implementation and deployment. The Microsoft implementation of Web
uses WebDAV (along with two other protocols), so there is a large
complex of
desktops applications, proprietary or not, ready and able to
with WebDAV repositories.
As you can see, the spread of implementations and approaches is very
and growing.
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Jim Whitehead
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2000 10:52
Subject: WebDAV State of Adoption Report
State of Adoption Report
January 20, 2000
It has been a little less than a year since the WebDAV Distributed
Protocol, RFC 2518, was issued by the IETF. I'm very pleased to report
in that time, there has been very strong adoption of the WebDAV
Due to the hard work of the members of this working group, and the
who have written and deployed WebDAV applications, there are now
of people every day who get useful work done using the WebDAV protocol.
Over the next few years, we'll see this number increase into the
as WebDAV technology diffuses broadly into the platforms, programs, and
devices we use on a daily basis, and as people better learn when and how
use WebDAV. Furthermore, as efforts like Advanced Collections, DASL,
Delta-V expand the capabilities of WebDAV, they open up new applications
audiences, leading to yet more users of the protocol. Though WebDAV
adoption has already been strong, in many respects we are just at the
beginning of a long, 20+ year long arc for this protocol.
The purpose of this report is to highlight where WebDAV adoption stands
today by listing clients and servers that support WebDAV. Though WebDAV
devotees will already know much of this information as individual items,
most people are surprised when they see it all put together in one place
-- there is more here than people expect. This report lists 10 client applications, 2 publically available client API libraries, 17 WebDAV servers (12 class-2, 5 class-1), and 2 WebDAV-enabled Web storage sites. These applications run on a range of platforms, with client support for Windows, Unix, and MacOS, and server support for Windows and Unix. WebDAV benefits from strong commercial and open source development, showing that the protocol has a broad spectrum of support beyond any one company or institution. Finally, the WebDAV-enabled storage sites are gaining users rapidly, with one site, My Docs Online, currently adding 500 new WebDAV users a week.CLIENTS
Office 2000 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) Provides remote collaborative authoring of documents, spreadsheets, and presentations via Web Folders. [Windows]
Internet Explorer 5 Web Folders interface allows interaction with a remote Web site appear to behave as if it were a local file folder. Provides drag-and-drop upload and download to a Web site. [Windows] ** Free download **
**************!!!!!!!!!!!!!!****************** sitecopy Allows a remote Web site to be edited in a local directory, then synchronized and uploaded, providing a CVS-like model of interaction. [Linux, FreeBSD, OS/2, Win32, IRIX, Solaris, SunOS, Digital Unix, probably others too] ** Free Download, Open Source ** ***********************************************
Goliath Provides a Mac Finder-like interface that allows interaction with a remote Web site to behave as if it were a local file folder. Provides drag-and-drop upload and download to a Web site. [MacOS 8.5 or higher] ** Free download, open source **
cadaver A command-line tool for interacting with a remote Web site. Analogous to the Unix "ftp" command. [Linux, SunOS] ** Free download, open source **
**************!!!!!!!!!!!!!!****************** DAV Explorer Provides a Windows Explorer like interface for a remote WebDAV server. Supports resource locking. Allows the protocol stream to be logged to a file. Useful for debugging servers. [Java-based, tested on SunOS, Windows] ** Free download, open source **
Documentor Excosoft's Documentor product allows remote XML authoring via WebDAV. [Windows 95/98/NT, AIX, Solaris, HP-UX] ** Free eval download ** ***********************************************
WebDev for PHP A client application that allows remote management of PHP-based Web sites via the WebDAV protocol. [Windows] ** Free eval download **
DAV4J A Java-based client API for WebDAV, comes with IBM's DAV4J server. [Java-based, Windows] ** Free download **
DAVLib for MacOS A C++ library for developing WebDAV client applications for MacOS. [MacOS] ** Free download, open source **
**************!!!!!!!!!!!!!!****************** Apache mod_dav A module for the Apache Web server providing full class-2 WebDAV support. Has a storage layer interface that can be mapped to multiple repository types. [Linux, Win32, other Unix variants] ** Free download, open source ** ***********************************************
Netware 5.1 Novell's Netware 5.1 provides full class-2 WebDAV support.
Net Publisher Novell's Net Publisher provides full class-2 WebDAV support integrated with Novel Directory Service (NDS). Adds WebDAV support to IIS 4, Netscape ES 3.0 or higher. [Windows98/NT]
DAV4J IBM's DAV4J server, available on the AlphaWorks site, provides a full Java-based class-2 WebDAV server. Provides interfaces for easily integrating multiple repository types. [Windows] ** Free download **
Internet Information Services 5 (IIS 5) .asp Microsoft's IIS 5 server provides a class-2 WebDAV server that is tightly integrated with the Windows 2000 filesystem and access control permissions. [Windows 2000]
Exchange 2000 Microsoft's Exchange 2000, currently in Beta 3, provides WebDAV access to its Web Store repository. [Windows NT/2000]
Xythos Storage Server A full class-2 WebDAV server using an Oracle database as its repository. Provides quota support. Xythos is also the first server to provide compliant DASL support. ** Free use on site **
**************!!!!!!!!!!!!!!****************** WebSite Director CyberTeam's WebSite Director project is a class-2 WebDAV server integrated with workflow technology. [WindowsNT, BSDI, FreeBSD, HP-UX, Linux, SGI, Solaris, SunOS] ** Free account available ** ***********************************************
DataChannel Server 4.0 DataChannel Server 4.0 provides class-2 WebDAV access into their repository.
Zope Zope is a development environment for creating Web sites, and provides a class-1 WebDAV server. [Most Unix, WindowsNT] ** Test accounts available **
WebRFM WebRFM is a CGI-Perl program that implements a class-1 WebDAV server, along with some legacy HTTP methods supported by AOLserver, and Netscape Enterprise Server. [Unix variants] ** Free download, open source **
Intraspect Knowledge Server Knowledge Server provides a full class-2 WebDAV server interface. [WinNT 4]
Glyphica PortalWare Glyphica's PortalWare product line contains class-2 WebDAV support.
Python davserver / GROUP.lounge Provides a class-1 WebDAV server written in Python, along with Python classes designed for reuse. This server is used inside the GROUP.lounge document collaboration environment. ** Freely available, open source **
PyDAV The first Python WebDAV server, developed at Xerox PARC. Currently unavailable due to legal issues.
DaveSmith A testbed class-1 DAV server written in Perl, designed to be as easy as possible to understand and install, requiring no external modules, such as XML parsers, HTTP modules, etc. ** Freely available, source is public domain **
FrontPage Server Extensions clone -- with WebDAV support A WebDAV server written in Perl, with some support for the FrontPage server extensions. ** Freely available **
A surprise for WebDAV was the emergence of the Web storage site as a strong adoptor of WebDAV technology. These sites typically offer 20 Meg of storage for free, and the ability to share files with other users of the site. Access to files is via a Web interface, or via WebDAV. The ease of access to remote Web sites provided by Web Folders is motivating adoption of WebDAV by many storage sites. This, in turn, is introducing WebDAV to a large, new audience.
Sharemation The first WebDAV-enabled storage site, offering 20 Meg of storage, non-DAV versioning, DASL support. Uses the Xythos Storage Server.
My Docs Online! Also offering 20 Meg of storage. Currently with over 3,000 WebDAV users after just six weeks of offering WebDAV capability. Apparently there would be more WebDAV users, except there are recurring reports of difficulty accessing WebDAV capability through legacy, non-HTTP/1.1 compliant proxies. MyDocsOnline uses a modified version of Apache mod_dav.
- Jim Whitehead <> Chair, IETF WebDAV Working Group
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