RE: [unrev-II] Am I the only dummy around here?

From: Jon Winters (
Date: Tue Feb 15 2000 - 11:23:50 PST

From: Jon Winters <>

On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, Bernie DeKoven wrote:

> From: "Bernie DeKoven" <>
> I thoroughly agree. Also, I think there is a huge disparity between levels
> of expertise and interest. We need to take advantage of some other existing
> infrastructure that will allow us to identify these groups, give them each
> the opportunity for dialog, and establish dialog between them.

I agree completely. Lists like this one will always be the proper niche
for a few, we should investigate some other 'views' that might have more
mass appeal.

Someone else on the list has already proposed a "slashdot like" web forum

It might be fun to mention it in the next session and encourage _everyone_
involved to visit the site and post an idea or something. Then follow
along and see how many return and join in the discussion.

My guess is the web based discussion will appeal to many who do not like
the email based system.

Goal should be that all the different 'views' work together one day. May
or may not be possible.

The Gnome Gnotices site is another example of a "slashdot like" interface
being used to keep folks posted about an OpenSource project. The nice
thing is how you can quickly and easily get a pulse for how the Gnome
project is going. You can see feedback on all the different Gnotices and
post your $.02.

The logical place to set this up would be at


Configure a wide range of topics to appeal to the entire spectrum of
potential participants. (registered users will have the ability to filter
out the topics that do not interest them)


Jon Winters

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