[unrev-II] Re: Individual slides in zipped files

From: Henry van Eyken (vaneyken@sympatico.ca)
Date: Mon Feb 21 2000 - 18:03:56 PST

From: Henry van Eyken <vaneyken@sympatico.ca>

You will find these Session-6 zipped packages of slides on my site as

www.fleabyte.org/06A-E.ZIP - Session 6A - Engelbart img01/33 (2559 Kb)
.../06B-E.ZIP - Session 6B - Engelbart img34/49 (1134 Kb)
.../06A-Pe.ZIP - Session 6A - Pea img01/39 (3114 Kb)
.../06A-Rh.ZIP - Session 6A - Rheingold img01/06 (467Kb)
.../06A-Sp.ZIP - Session 6A - Spohrer img01/14 (992 Kb)
.../06B-Ru.ZIP - Session 6B - Rulifson img01/06 (114 Kb)
.../06B-Sc.ZIP - Session 6B - Schaer img01/12 (941Kb)


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