Re: [unrev-II] How DKR Penetration Will Be Achieved (PRIVATE)

From: Henry van Eyken (
Date: Sun Feb 27 2000 - 14:17:35 PST

From: Henry van Eyken <>

Just to be sure, Eric, and so it won't be lost, your paper is of great
importance. Of course, when all is said and done, we can have various entry
points for penetration. Working at the bottom and softening up the top.

After "doing" your contribution and sending it off, the thought struck me that
penetration via the Internet might well be a DKR around the world's most
urgent, complex problems -- a properly functioning democracy for maintaining
(= re-establishing) a healthy environment. This, of course, requires popular
computency, a computency that takes into account human nature (including those
of our so-called leaders). Without wishing to be opportunistic, but this is
precisely what Fleabyte wants to be about. Would it not be wonderful if it
could be made into a well-functioning, educational DKR for spreading a better
understanding of, and education in the use of well-matched neural and
electronic thinking? Just wondering how realistic I am. (To be sure, the name
"Fleabyte" is not important, nor is my role in it. What counts is a viable,
and subsequently, effective web-publication. In my dreams, I see it function
under the aegis of public-spirited cognitive-science departments, ell outside
the hands of commerce. Just a dream, nothing more.

At any rate, please stay the present course. When the Colloquium approaches
its scheduled conclusion, we may then give thought as to how to best take
things from there.



Eric Armstrong wrote:

> From: Eric Armstrong <>
> Great comments, Henry. &c.

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