[unrev-II] Another interesting activity: Project Mind

From: Doug Engelbart - Bootstrap Institute (doug@bootstrap.org)
Date: Wed Mar 29 2000 - 14:48:00 PST

  • Next message: Eric Armstrong: "Re: [unrev-II] Another interesting activity: Project Mind"

    From: Doug Engelbart - Bootstrap Institute <doug@bootstrap.org>

    Got this message via our bootstrap-site "Info" feedback. I'd like to get
    others' thoughts about such. Take a look, and let me know. Appreciatively,


    From: devor@usa.net

    To: info@bootstrap.org

    Posted: 29-Mar-2000 00:51-PST Received: 29-Mar-2000 12:01-PST


    From: David Devor, Chairman/Exec. Director, PROJECT MIND FOUNDATION /
    972-2-581-4941 fax 972-2-582-32-76 / devor@usa.net /

       8 Mevo HaMaavak, Jerusalem, Israel 97877

    Dear Doug et alia., I believe that Project Mind has both the concept and
    strategy for achieving precisely the ideals you are pursuing. I would be
    pleased to discuss this with you and invite you to browse our website at::
    <http://www.projectmind.org> Sincerely, David devor@usa.net

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