Re: [unrev-II] Hofstadter's Saturday,April 1st,Special: WILL SPIRITUAL ROBOTS REPLACE HUMANITY BY 2100?

From: Henry van Eyken (
Date: Thu Mar 30 2000 - 04:59:48 PST

  • Next message: Jon Winters: "[unrev-II] the save iridium project..."

    I am conscious of the - emphasized - April 1 date, and I instinctively thought the name
    Hofstadter did not quite fit in, but what the deuce do I know out here in the sticks.

    But the issues discussed are not to be ignored -- even though Kurzweil's "The Age of
    Spritual Machines" was published by Viking, not by MIT Press as was his previous book,
    "The Age of Intelligent Machines."

    The final question, "what shall we prepare our children for?" is no April fool's joke.
    One good reason to take bootstrapping seriously.



    Henry van Eyken wrote:

    > Wouldn't it be lovely if Stanford were to webcast this also? Or at least make the
    > whole available on tape or DVD.
    > Henry
    > Note:

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