Re: [unrev-II] Another interesting activity: Athenium's TeamThink

From: Eric Armstrong (
Date: Thu Mar 30 2000 - 15:08:31 PST

  • Next message: Eric Armstrong: "Re: [unrev-II] Re: Gecko"

    What's most interesting about this, I think, is that the whole
    design process is fundamentally one of questioning. Questions
    like these predominate in that process:
       * Should we do this?
       * If so, how?
       * What impact does that have on the rest of the design?
       * Does it make other things easier or harder?

    In fact, the essence of creativity is answering self-imposed
    questions. Invention is a process of identifying a need and
    asking how it can be fulfilled. Answers are the fruit of the
    process, but questions are its foundation.

    A system that focuses on questioning as the primary
    tool for learning therefore stands to have considerable
    impact on design processes, as well as most other areas
    of human creativity.

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