Background: Object-Oriented (O-O) Terminology
A "class" is a template you use to construct an "object".
The class defines the behaviors that members of the class
are capable of, and defines the data items that distinguish
one member of the class from another. Individual objects
use the behaviors defined by the class, and have specific
data values that make them (usually unique) "individuals".
The Car class, for example, might define behaviors for
start and stop. It also might include data types for
model, color, and acceleration characteristics. So a Red
Ferrari would have one set of data items, while a Green
Edsel would have another set. But both would have
start and stop behaviors.
Text Nodes
The fundamental unit of a DKR is an item of information.
Since the ideal in writing is to have "one idea per
paragraph", an "information node" can be thought of as
a paragraph of text. Headings stand apart from other
text, as well, so a heading is a special (short)
paragraph, or information node.
Node behaviors are defined in a class (object template).
Every text node must contain an attribution -- a pointer
to the author, or an identifying string. A copy of that
node may be edited, which suggests the need for a split
operation, for example. After node is split into one or
more fragments, and edit operation could replace some
fragments or insert new ones that have a different author.
Some of the operations appropriate to a node might therefore
include split, delete, replace, and insert.
Note that when the node is split, two objects exist where
one did before. Every node must therefore be capable of
being the root of a subtree. Although it may start out life
as a simple node that contains or points to an item of text,
it must also be capable of pointing to a list of text
elements. (That list might also include markup elements,
like HTML bold tags: <b>.) Since each item in that list may
itself point to a list of subitems, the resulting structure
is a tree.
Since every node will contain some kind of content (text
initially, but eventually media objects), it is relatively
clear that the fundamental class should provide operations
for split, delete, replace, and insert, and that it should
allow for a tree-shaped substructure.
However, nodes may also acquire other subelements, such as
comments. So a node needs the ability to serve as the root
of multiple subtrees.
In addition, some categories require special behaviors and
data structures. For example, if a node is "rated" then it
needs the ability to acquire a subtree consisting of
evaluations (ratings). It also needs the ability to "average"
the evaluations it has received for presentations.
Dynamic Behavior
Following classic O-O principles, it is tempting to construct
separate classes for evaluations, comments, and information
nodes. But that process moves us further away from identifying
an "atomic" structure. More importantly, it runs into the
problem that node-categorization (classification) is a dynamic
If node is not "rated", then it should not be possible to add
evaluations to it. If it is "rated", it should be possible to
add evaluations, and to have the average of those evaluations
summarized as the node's rating. Once a rating has been added,
the node can no longer be unrated. But until then, the node
could be switched at will back and forth from "unrated" to
That dynamic classification poses problems for a static object
oriented class structure. Unless some language system exists
that allows behaviors to be added on and taken away in a
dynamic classification process, the only alternative is to build
all of the behaviors into the fundamental class -- making the
identification of an "atomic" data structure all the more
If the behaviors are defined in a single class, then adds to
the system by extending that class. To put that class into
effect, the system must be designed to create nodes using a
"factory method". To create a new information object, then,
you don't merely use an existing class to make one. Instead,
you ask the factory method to create one and hand it back to
you. Runtime parameters can then configure the "factory" to
tell it which class to use. So, if the BasicNode class is
the standard class for an information node, and if you create
an ExtendedNode class, then the factory would be instructed
(via a command line switch or configuration file) to use the
ExtendedNode class when constructing an information object.
The basic structure for a node, then, is that it contains a
pointer to a previous version of itself. For versioning to
be useful, however, it must be possible for old links to
acquire the newest version. That requires an indirect link
-- a "virtual node". At a minimum, then, the data structure
must allow for two atomic types: The virtual node that points
to the latest version, and the node itself.
Some actions like edits, rearranging sublist items, or deleting
those items would produce a new version. It should be possible
to perform multiple operations of that kind without having a
separate (persistent) version number. When "published", the
node would have the next sequential version number, regardless
of the number of changes. (For "undo", however, multiple
non-persistent "revisions" would be kept, so that changes can
be backed out. When published, all but the last revision would
be removed.)
Data and Sublists
The node must contain, at a minimum, sublists (or subtrees)
for content (text nodes), for comments (text nodes), and
evaluations (text nodes with a rating). It may need to keep
an author-list (people who are authorized to perform direct
edits). It also needs a list of the categories to which it
belongs. (Implementing categories as lists provides fast
searching, as demonstrated by the Traction system). And it
needs a substructure list. (For a heading, for example,
the "content" would be the text of the heading while the
"substructure" would be subheadings and paragraphs.)
A node therefore contains a variety of sublists, and at least
some data items. The data items include a rating slot (for
rated nodes), a version identifier, and a pointer to the
previous version. (Alternatively, one of the sublists could
be a version list.) A reference count would also be a good
idea, in case nodes wind up with no links at all, so they
can be removed. A pointer to the previous revision (during
editing) would also be needed, until the node is published.
To make the structures extensible, the data items may well
be kept in a tuple, where the nature of the tuple depends
on the type of the node. (A text node, for example, would
have a text string and an author identifier.)
To make an "atomic" data structure, it would ideally be
possible to construct a node that contains a list of
of subtrees. Each list would be identified as, for
example: content, structure, comment, evaluation, categories,
and authors. Every such node would be capable of having
its own list of sublists. Even if only one sublist was
present, the result would be a tree.
It should also be possible to add lists dynamically. That
allows a "question" node to have a sublist of "alternatives",
for example, and for each alternative to have a sublist of
"arguments" and/or "evaluations".
The question is: What is the best way to represent those
types? They could be kept as a value in the node. (Then
the list of sublists would contain pairs: type, list.)
Another possibility is to keep them in a list header for
each list. A third possibility is to link to them, the
same way that a node's category sublist entries link to
individual categories.
Another question: Do nodes need types, as well? For example,
the list of arguments could have arguments for and arguments
against (pro/con, plus/minus). Or possibly the arguments
should be kept in separate lists? But that would make
reconstruction of the original chronological sequence
difficult, although it would expedite plus/minus summaries.
[Overall, it seems desirable to add "type" as a data
item in a node.]
If a node contains a type, and a node contains a list of
sublists, then any node can be a list header. It only needs
a type value that identifies it as a content list, or a
structure list, etc.
Atomic Structure
The basic atomic structures, then, might look like this:
pointer to Node (most recent version)
data (tuple)
A node of type "Info" would have multiple sublists,
including content, structure, etc. A node with one of
those types, on the other hand, would have only one sublist.
So a "Content" node would have a single list containing
"Text" (zero sublists) or "Markup" nodes (one sublist with
zero or more entries of type Text or Markup).
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