Re: [unrev-II] New Schedule

From: Paul Fernhout (
Date: Mon Apr 24 2000 - 07:44:41 PDT

  • Next message: "Re: [unrev-II] Video Collaborattion"

    Eric -

    I totally know where you're coming from on this (and your previous email
    on productivity tied to profitability/licensing issues). About six weeks
    ago I took a new contract that has kept me very busy, and my
    contributions have dropped off and I read the list less often. There are
    a whole slew of things I've been meaning to reply to on XML and Lisp
    ( runs on lisp) and various questions you and others have
    asked related to things I have posted (all flagged in my Netscape
    Bootstrap mail folder). And when I have time, I am torn between coding
    and communicating.

    I've always enjoyed your postings, and you've been as much or more than
    anyone the "glue" holding this list together, with great ideas and
    especially with your summary postings. Your comments have been and will
    be much appreciated as you have time for them.

    I think the strategy you have outlined makes a lot of sense. My postings
    now are either early morning, late evening, or most likely weekends --
    and mostly on issues I felt just couldn't pass by without timely comment
    (like this one making me late again!)

    -Paul Fernhout
    Kurtz-Fernhout Software
    Developers of custom software and educational simulations
    Creators of the Garden with Insight(TM) garden simulator

    Eric Armstrong wrote:
    > In the interests of actually getting paid work done,
    > I've started filtering my mail so it gets put into
    > folders I can avoid looking at until I've scheduled
    > some time to do so.
    > My plan is to review those folders on Monday, Wednesday,
    > Friday, and Sunday evenings, and to avoid them at all
    > costs during the day.
    > With luck, the improved focus and discipline will turn
    > out to me more beneficial than detrimental...

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