Re: [unrev-II] GOOD: Traction, by Twisted Systems (on browser neutrality)

Date: Thu Apr 27 2000 - 09:07:58 PDT

  • Next message: Henry van Eyken: "[unrev-II] Re: Towards an atomic data structure."

    > I didn't say it to everyone but I'm also bothered that its not
    > neutral. Designing for one browser is just lazy, stupid, or both.

    I realize this reply is fairly belated, for which I apologize.

    I agree with Jon entirely. But we regularly use Traction with
    Netscape, Lynx, Proxiweb and Avant Go (on Palm), Opera and Internet
    Explorer. And occasionally with w3 mode in Emacs. It supports all
    these browsers.

    However, we saw an opportunity to improve responsiveness and
    information density using DHTML features (such as layers and
    JavaScript); Traction uses the client in the HTTP header to determine
    which interface to serve. For browsers that support DHTML features,
    such as Netscape and IE, Traction defaults to using those features.
    Like many options within Traction, this can be disabled as a

    During the demo I gave, I used IE because its full-screen feature
    lets people concentrate on the web interface, and lets me use larger
    fonts to display on the projector. I didn't realize I was conveying
    the impression that IE was the only browser Traction supports.


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