The remainder of yesterday's meeting was devoted
to the "WBI Vector".
Doug started out by offering a new vision:
His model system has always been divided into
three components:
* Recording dialog
* Gathering intelligence
* "State of the system" summary, or "handbook".
Along those lines, he proposed building a "Guide to
Running NICs" to be monitored/edited by Su-Ling Yee.
The idea is that we will add information to this
knowledge base, Su-Ling will look for contradictions
and prod contributors, and we will grow the knowledge
repository's capabilities as we use it for this purpose.
In the latter stages of the meeting, Jack Park gave a
report on WBI and drew an example architecture showing
how a system would use it. (WBI would reside on a server
-- either the target server or an intermediate server --
and do the translations into "referencable form" and
manage the user's view selections.)
He also suggested that a possible architecture in the
form of a three-tier server:
* Server -- used to run...
* Servlet -- runs on the server, gets HTML pages from...
* WBI -- converts arbitrary HTML pages or Augment pages
into referencable/viewable form
In addition to WBI, Jack pointed to Mozilla, DirectDOM
(nee Weblets), and JDOM as other possible intermediary
devices. Mozilla and DirectDOM allow for browser-resident
agents that manipulated the Document Object Model (DOM)
that underlies the displayed HTML. JDOM is a mechanism
put together by Jason Hunter and company that makes XML
processing transparent to a Java application and which,
like the Python EasySAX project, allows the program to
manipulate a "persistent DOM" -- a DOM resident on disk,
perhaps in a database repository, so that the entire DOM
need not be resident in memory all at one time.
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