You have your mind and your heart in the right place, Eric!
Wish I were able to add a solution to the comment just made. And when I see
two Internet booksellers fighting over a patent on a mouse-click, I can
Eric Armstrong wrote:
> As a species, I am beginning to wonder if we are capable
> of surviving. Several people have interesting proprietary
> work they want to pursue. I want to be investigating and
> working in this space more than anything, but no one is
> funding any of us.
> Meanwhile, no one wants to give anything away, because their
> only hope for having the freedom to pursue the paths that
> need pursuing is to garner revenue for the purpose. (Even
> when we *do* share, it's harder than hell to reach agreement
> on anything.)
> Doug is adamant that open source is the only way to go. He's
> right, but where does that leave us? At SRI they are talking
> about setting up an open source base technology, and building
> revenue-producing IP on top of that. I was one of the first to
> say, hey, if someone is going to start generating revenue,
> where is mine going to come from? As much as I freely
> contribute design ideas at this stage, as soon as we started
> talking about a tangible product, I felt myself shifting gears,
> looking for my advantage. But do we have time for that?
> I guess my point is: If the problems we face really are that
> pressing, and we as a society cannot identify and free up the
> brains that are capable of finding a solution, then there is
> strong possibility that the solutions won't attive in time.
> Meanwhile, those of us who have something to contribute find
> ourselves lacking either time to do what needs to be done,
> or financial incentive to contribute what amounts to our hope
> for the future (personal future, that is).
> So the question remains: Are we, as a species, in fact capable
> of surviving? Or do personal and societal short-sightedness
> make it unlikely?
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