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Date: Mon Jun 05 2000 - 11:46:53 PDT

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    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: unrev-II@egroups.com [SMTP:unrev-II@egroups.com]
    > Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 2:59 AM
    > To: unrev-II@egroups.com
    > Subject: [unrev-II] Digest Number 143
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > There are 5 messages in this issue.
    > Topics in this digest:
    > 1. Separation of Business and State (was Re: "Ishmael", Caveman
    > Diet, Garden of Eden)
    > From: Paul Fernhout <pdfernhout@kurtz-fernhout.com>
    > 2. Economics and the Garden of Eden
    > From: Paul Fernhout <pdfernhout@kurtz-fernhout.com>
    > 3. RE: Glossary - just breaking the ice on this task
    > From: altintdev@webtv.net
    > 4. Re: Economics and the Garden of Eden
    > From: Paul Fernhout <pdfernhout@kurtz-fernhout.com>
    > 5. Ontology, Glossary, Alignment
    > From: Rod Welch <rowelch@attglobal.net>
    > ________________________________________________________________________
    > ________________________________________________________________________
    > Message: 1
    > Date: Sun, 04 Jun 2000 10:33:20 -0400
    > From: Paul Fernhout <pdfernhout@kurtz-fernhout.com>
    > Subject: Separation of Business and State (was Re: "Ishmael", Caveman
    > Diet, Garden of Eden)
    > Interesting essay!
    > Eric Armstrong wrote:
    > > [snip]
    > > But guess what? Government programs are *so* widely influenced by
    > > business, that government isn't doing it either! This leads to my
    > > basic proposition: The one weak link in our entire civilization,
    > > the one problem that prevents all the *other* problems from being
    > > solved, is the lack of separation between business and state.
    > >
    > > The framers of our constitution saw the need to separate church
    > > and state. In one stroke, they prevented the excessive and abusive
    > > exercises of power that characterized other nations, and they
    > > prevented religions from exerting a stranglehold on government
    > > action. However, they could not have foreseen the rise of the
    > > industrial civilization that is now exercising a new kind of power,
    > > frequently in ways that ultimately harmful. (On television last
    > > night, there were drugs to make you go to sleep, drugs to fix
    > > your upset stomach, drugs to solve you "social anxiety" problems,
    > > and drugs for a variety of other conditions. There were also ads
    > > for cereals, soft drinks, beer, and dozens of other fun but
    > > so essentially-unhealthy substances that they should be treated
    > > like cigarettes -- you can sell them, but you can't advertise
    > > them. When you add up all the harmful things that are being sold
    > > over the airwaves, it's pretty sickening, really.)
    > >
    > > So how, HOW, does one achieve a separation of business and state?
    > > What does that mean? What does it translate to in terms of things
    > > that the government can and cannot do? The question is important,
    > > because I'm not sure there is any way for culture to begin
    > > approaching a garden of eden, unless we answer it.
    > Eric -
    > This is a brilliant insight and very consisely put. You have framed this
    > issue in a way that one can begin to think about more clearly. Thanks
    > for the great contribution!
    > -Paul Fernhout
    > Kurtz-Fernhout Software
    > =========================================================
    > Developers of custom software and educational simulations
    > Creators of the Garden with Insight(TM) garden simulator
    > http://www.kurtz-fernhout.com
    > ________________________________________________________________________
    > ________________________________________________________________________
    > Message: 2
    > Date: Sun, 04 Jun 2000 12:05:24 -0400
    > From: Paul Fernhout <pdfernhout@kurtz-fernhout.com>
    > Subject: Economics and the Garden of Eden
    > John -
    > You make many good points, but there are a few that I think needs
    > elaboration.
    > John \"sb\" Werneken wrote:
    > > [Snip]
    > > There is a simple solution to the problem that some things are without
    > > ownership and hence tend to be treated poorly by the markets - such as
    > > species diversity, clean air, or unspoiled vistas. Give them owners.
    > Then
    > > they will be given value in the market place and will be conserved, as
    > all
    > > valued properties are.
    > However, a big issue here is external costs.
    > If I own "clean air" and I sell the right to pollute, and other people
    > have a greater chance of getting lung cancer, I am passing on an
    > external cost to the community. It is unlikely under today's law that I
    > could be successfully sued for this because it is difficult to prove
    > damages. So it is profitable for me as the "air owner" to kill people
    > (statistically).
    > Another issue is perceived value of cash vs. a non-cash resource, which
    > is often highly idiosyncratic to the owner and immediate needs.
    > Lets say developers want to pave the Amazon to build a large parking
    > lot. I own 100% of the worlds biodiversity rights. They approach me, and
    > say we'll give you $200,000 for the right to pave the Amazon. Imagine I
    > have a whiny child who want to go to Princeton. I need the cash right
    > now! Seems like a good deal. Who is hurt? Me? No! Maybe just future
    > generations who never get various medicines or can enjoy nature. But, it
    > is a profitable exchange in the light of the priorities of the resource
    > owner. Granted, maybe The Nature Conservancy http://www.tnc.org/ might
    > have offered me more money in the future, but I needed the cash now.
    > Plus, the remaining world's biodiversity is even more valuable since
    > there is less of it, so my remaining asset may actually increase in
    > value.
    > Think this is a silly example? It's pretty much what is happening right
    > now as the remaining old growth forests in the USA are being cut down to
    > give antiquated timber mills a few more years of profit before those
    > mills are obsolete. You might argue timber companies might make more
    > money out of using the remaining forest for recreation or harvesting new
    > DNA, but they don't see that as their business, and they have an
    > existing physical plant and cultural system based on cutting down
    > forests. (By the way, the replacement monoculture "tree farms" with
    > nicely spaced rows bear little resemblance in biodiversity to the
    > original forest.)
    > Another real example is the destruction of the "state" owned environment
    > in the old USSR by various factories. The government owned both the
    > environment and the factories -- it just decided to sacrifice one for
    > the other.
    > I don't see how replacing the state with an individual or corporation
    > will make things better. Even within a corporation, perceptions may
    > differ as to the value of a non-cash asset. For example, the Newton was
    > way ahead of it's time, but Apple decide to kill it because it wasn't
    > profitable to keep it up. Or for example, in the 1970's sci-fi movie
    > "Silent Running",
    > http://starriders.net/sfmovies/silent.htm
    > the Earth's remaining biodiversity is stored in habitat domes in "Pan
    > Am" space freighters, and the decision is made to blow up the domes and
    > return the freighters to commercial service (probably because that would
    > be more profitable in the short term). Everyone goes along with this
    > except one ecologist who resists.
    > I think preserving biodiversity for example takes social consensus, and
    > when necessary, enforcing laws related to the public well being and "the
    > seventh generation". Every fight to preserve biodiversity has been
    > difficult. Creating the National Parks system in the 1930s and
    > preserving places like Yellowstone was a huge political fight.
    > > Business is nothing but the desires of all individuals, expressed
    > > autonomously and honestly in their purchasing decisions.
    > Business reflects the desires of individuals to the extent they can pay
    > for goods and services. If you are a poor farmer in Ethiopia, "business"
    > cares not a bit about your desires. This is a fundamental problem with
    > markets. They reflect the interests of people with the money. That is
    > why they need to be tempered with morality and laws.
    > There's a catchy song I heard on NPR once.
    > An example verse is something like:
    > "Someone owns the water, someone owns the soil,
    > someone owns the land, and someone owns the oil.
    > Someone owns the sky, someone owns the trees,
    > Someone owns my body but they can't own me."
    > The refrain goes something like:
    > "Everyone's a criminal unless you got the money, honey".
    > Anyone know who the songwriter / singer is?
    > > Government in contrast reflects the decisions of a smaller group.
    > In theory, Government should reflect a broad community that is governed.
    > In practice you may be right (especially given the lack of separation of
    > business and state Eric points out).
    > > [Your general sentiment of the value of capitalism and ownership.]
    > In general, I think you are right. A market system has been involved in
    > the production and availability of all sort of interesting goods and
    > services. People do tend to take better care of resources when they own
    > them. For example, it is often said that home owners take better care of
    > them and their communities than renters.
    > This also has to do with feedback mechanisms as you mentioned.
    > Christopher Alexander discusses this in his book "Notes on Synthesis of
    > Form" where he gives the example of living in a mud hut vs. living in a
    > skyscraper. The owner of the mud hut will patch a hole that causes a
    > draft. The inhabitant of a skyscraper does not have access or
    > understanding of the building's air circulation system. Further, the
    > architects who designed the skyscraper will probably never (or only
    > years later) get feedback on the problems with the ventilation design.
    > Both Christopher Alexander and Langdon Winner (in his book "Autonomous
    > Technology") make the point that technical systems should be readily
    > understood and adaptable by the inhabitants, so that they can be made
    > more responsive to the inhabitants needs and prevent the tyranny of the
    > infrastructure. Unfortunately, there is money to be made in supplying
    > difficult to understand technical systems with proprietary parts which
    > resist modification, because that keeps the "user" dependent on the
    > "supplier", with a resulting continuous revenue stream for the supplier.
    > As Eric points out, most bioengierring efforts for example work in this
    > direction -- "terminator" seeds or plant requiring heavy applications of
    > pesticides (i.e. "Roundup-ready Soybeans").
    > The issue is taking things to extremes, the difficulty of assigning
    > external costs, and differences in perceived long term value of
    > resources of a scale we can't comprehend [like nature].
    > It used to be considered profitable to enslave people. That is rarely
    > overtly done now because it is now generally considered morally wrong.
    > In part this is also because it turns out you can get more work out of a
    > "free" person for less total cost than owning a slave, especially when
    > the free person is part of certain types of organizations with capital
    > for tools. Someday the same thing might be widely thought about
    > destruction of biodiversity. And again, this will be in part because
    > economically you can get more out of biodiversity than pavement or
    > lumber.
    > What is economic to do? In part it depends on the laws. If it is illegal
    > to kill
    > or beat your slaves, it may be more profitable to employ them. If it is
    > illegal to destroy biodiversity, it may be more profitable to use it for
    > sightseeing, medical research, or attracting programmers to Seattle (the
    > most profitable use of old growth forest in the Pacific Northwest so far
    > -- too bad old-growth forest owners can't easily profit from it -- this
    > is the reverse situation of "external costs" I guess: "external
    > profits").
    > > "These people clearly did not have our relationship to the world,
    > > they were of it and not its masters.
    > You may not have meant to imply this, but I think it is a dangerous
    > assumption that we today are in any sense "masters" of nature. It is
    > more like (I think I encountered this idea in Geologist Preston Cloud's
    > book "Oasis in Space") humans have become a geological force. We can
    > destroy nature, but that doesn't not mean we can rebuild it.
    > And, I would argue (to boil down Manual De Landa's "War in the Age of
    > Intelligent Machines") the upcoming singularity involving intelligent
    > autonomous machines will may with some probability (small or large?)
    > leaves us with very little mastery of many things. Eric has a good point
    > in suggesting we turn our attentions to building "Edens", however the
    > inhabitants define "Edens". For me, that means creating decentralized
    > resilient self-replicating infrastructure for life support and economic
    > production.
    > -Paul Fernhout
    > Kurtz-Fernhout Software
    > =========================================================
    > Developers of custom software and educational simulations
    > Creators of the Garden with Insight(TM) garden simulator
    > http://www.kurtz-fernhout.com
    > ________________________________________________________________________
    > ________________________________________________________________________
    > Message: 3
    > Date: Sun, 4 Jun 2000 10:26:25 -0700 (PDT)
    > From: altintdev@webtv.net
    > Subject: RE: Glossary - just breaking the ice on this task
    > Hello,
    > I put this version of a glossary at
    > www.hypermultimedia.com/DKR/glossary.htm
    > Thanks and Best Regards,
    > Joe
    > Alternative Interface Devices.
    > Improve Accessibility and Utility of the WWW...
    > ________________________________________________________________________
    > ________________________________________________________________________
    > Message: 4
    > Date: Sun, 04 Jun 2000 13:43:56 -0400
    > From: Paul Fernhout <pdfernhout@kurtz-fernhout.com>
    > Subject: Re: Economics and the Garden of Eden
    > Coincidentally, I just noticed a Slashdot thread on this sort of issue.
    > http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=00/06/01/1910234&mode=thread&threshold=
    > 2
    > The thread is spawned by a review of "Natural Capitalism", a book aimed
    > at "reconciling nature lovers with free market enthusiasts".
    > -Paul Fernhout
    > Kurtz-Fernhout Software
    > =========================================================
    > Developers of custom software and educational simulations
    > Creators of the Garden with Insight(TM) garden simulator
    > http://www.kurtz-fernhout.com
    > ________________________________________________________________________
    > ________________________________________________________________________
    > Message: 5
    > Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 02:26:13 -0700
    > From: Rod Welch <rowelch@attglobal.net>
    > Subject: Ontology, Glossary, Alignment
    > Jack,
    > Review of the web site for Ontologos showed very powerful capabilities, as
    > you
    > suggested in our telecon on 000602...
    > http://www.welchco.com/sd/08/00101/02/00/06/02/155108.HTM#L211402
    > I sent Ontologos a letter asking for support on implementation.
    > http://www.welchco.com/04/00067/61/00/06/0201.HTM#0001
    > Hopefully Ontologos can helps us move forward on the category requirements
    > which Eric indicates in v0.7 is modeled on the Traction program...
    > http://www.welchco.com/sd/08/00101/02/00/06/01/163557.HTM#5933
    > Bill Bearden...
    > Thanks for your update on development of a glossary....
    > http://www.welchco.com/sd/08/00101/02/00/06/02/155108.HTM#L0704
    > Defining vocabulary is a big part of creating a new discipline, as
    > contemplated
    > by "Knowledge Management," requiring proactive support by the entire team.
    > Thanks again for getting us off to a good start.
    > Rod
    > ________________________________________________________________________
    > ________________________________________________________________________

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