John \"sb\" Werneken wrote:
> Or is your point that human nature ought to be forcibly molded to be
> more in accord with your views?
Absolutely not. I am surprised, in fact, at the suggestion that
I may have been saying anything such thing.
There is nothing in what you said that I disagree with, in principle.
In practice, however, I suspect that we could all benefit from a
slowdown in the rate of "progress".
So I am talking degrees, not principles, and I suggested a voluntary
activity that might have a beneficial impact. I note with interest
your suggestion that rising prices somehow help new home buyers.
It's not clear to me that what you say is true, but then economics
never was very clear to me.
If there was any sense in which I was "picking on" housing prices,
it was because it tends to consume 50% of one's income, and there
is an interesting possibility for arresting that tide.
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