As you note, you put forward a good start on ground rules for Wiki during the
meeting at SRI on 000615...
One thought might be to incorporate your clarifications in the Ground Rules
section of the Wiki stuff.
Lee Iverson wrote:
> I'm keen to have some feedback on the ground rules and CSS styles I've
> defined for working in the ZWiki. Please let me know how you feel
> about this stuff.
> http://bootstrap.org:8080/OHS/GroundRules
> Oh, and Eugene, give me a ten-minute slot for tomorrow to introduce
> the ZWiki.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Lee Iverson SRI International
> leei@ai.sri.com 333 Ravenswood Ave., Menlo Park CA 94025
> http://www.ai.sri.com/~leei/ (650) 859-3307
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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