Re: [unrev-II] Editing an arbitrary XML document

From: Eric Armstrong (
Date: Sat Jul 22 2000 - 19:59:03 PDT

  • Next message: Eugene Eric Kim: "[unrev-II] moving tech talk to ohs-dev mailing list"

    Great thoughts, Markus.

    You're right about stuff like SVG. Tree-editing
    wouldn't help much. Some sort of encapsulation
    mechanism is necessary that says "render if able".

    For more vanilla data trees and documents, though,
    I think that generalized editing is still conceivable
    -- especially if a few basics like <i> and <b> are

    The DTD might then include the style definitions
    I alluded to saying, in effect: <def> == <i>.

    The editor might then have standard DTDs for common
    file types, but be able to do a reasonable job with
    even very non-standard types without a DTD, and do
    a great job if the DTD were available, as well.

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