Rod Welch wrote:
> Jack,
> Thanks for important perspective on developing KM. Here is some feedback...
> Rod
>From that page:
> 491648 - KM is an operating system for people and organizations. It's new;
> 491649 - and so hasn't been around for 50 years. There is no school where
> 491650 - engineers can learn about KM. Education for KM was proposed to
> 491651 - Stanford on 000929, but it is not a priority. ref SDS 21 RT6N
> 491652 - There are a lot of of seminars, books and magazines on KM, but
> 491653 - none explain how to produce KM; everyone shows up and asks what is
> 491654 - it, as reported on 991217. ref SDS 3 9030
> 491655 -
> 491656 - As a result, On 000615 the DKR team reported 6 months of research
> 491657 - at SRI showed there is not enough knowledge to develop Knowledge
> 491658 - Management. ref SDS 15 6271,
And later:
> 491713 - The meeting at SRI on 001017 indicates work on OHS is pending
> 491714 - award of funds from sponsors. ref SDS 26 4877 Open Source
> 491715 - nominally thrives on volunteer work. Over 10 months nothing has
> 491716 - been volunteered. This doesn't mean people are lazy, indifferent,
> 491717 - or un-talented. Doug has assembled an outstanding team, and SRI
> 491718 - is planning a strong core development team. However, if there is
> 491719 - not enough knowledge, progress is difficult. On 001017 Eric
> 491720 - notified the team he will volunteer source code soon, which is a
> 491721 - constructive sign, ref SDS 25 0001, but that conflicts with the
> 491722 - meeting at SRI where Eugene indicated the architecture will be
> 491723 - developed by a new team. ref SDS 26 TJ3G
> 491724 -
> 491725 - On 001025 Doug Engelbart requested comments linked to the OHS
> 491726 - Launch Plan. No one has done this because they are busy doing
> 491727 - what they want, reported on 001012, ref SDS 24 PT5M, and they
> 491728 - don't want to do KM, for reasons in the record on 001025,
> 491729 - ref SDS 30 XF4N Software engineers want to work on interesting
> 491730 - technology; but, KM is not interesting, because there isn't enough
> 491731 - knowledge.
> 491732 -
> 491733 - This record suggests open source is a good development method for
> 491734 - enhancing KM. A core capability may be needed to guide such an
> 491735 - effort, as Eric noted on 000120. ref SDS 4 3002 Creating the core
> 491736 - capability requires doing things people don't want to do, which
> 491737 - conflicts with empowerment precepts of open source.
Jack Park wrote:
> We continue to confuse the notion of *Open Source Software* with the notion
> of homebrew software. I do not believe (though I could be wrong) that Doug
> ever had any notion of homebrew software. His goal, near as I can tell, was
> and remains to create a body of software that is *Open Source*, and that has
> a radically different and specific meaning from the notions of free software
> that is hacked by thousands of individuals the world over, even though those
> projects do, indeed, result in open source products. It appears, at least to
> me, that a professionally managed project in which contributors receive
> compensation for software development is a greatly different project than
> one managed and built by volunteers.
Rod, Jack-
Interesting comments by both of you on the open source nature of the
effort and related issues (including Jack's latest comment).
While I am definitely very much "pro open source" (my wife and I
released a six person year effort under the GPL), I do think Rod has
some good points about open source issues in general and as evidenced in
this project. Knowledge Management (in terms of software
implementations) is indeed a newer field than for example OS
development, and it is harder to get people together to make such
solutions because less people are aware of the issues (especially given
all the "hot" proprietary work happening in dot-coms).
This UnRevII effort is in my opinion not very much an "open source" one
to date. Even though it wants to be one, organizational issues and
attitudes and habits formed from decades of doing things in a
proprietary way have shaped key decisions and assumptions. There is
little code contributed to any core -- on my side certainly in large
part because "Permission to use" is not an open source license (but
still governs this list). Several people here have done independent open
source things, for example I've made the Pointrel system available under
an open source license, but for liability and other reasons wouldn't
ever consider "contributing" it to the UnRevII effort under the
"permission to use" license. I understand there is another more open
source license for the contributions made on the other list -- so that
is an improvement, but it still has some ways to go (i.e. a distinction
between (multiple) licenses for code, content, and collection) as well
as not (yet) having much to put under it. Most of all, the UnRevII
project is not open source because there is no body of work under an
open source license. (There is some content produced like this list, but
it is under a proprietary license.)
It is hard to explain everything that has been said or done on this list
over the past year to violate the "spirit" of open source development
(especially without sounding overly critical of people who are trying to
do good stuff and make the world a better place). Perhaps it started
with the lack of open sourcing Augment (i.e. there was no initial "gift
of code") or the DARPA related development (although I'm very pleased to
see the recent efforts like Augment->HTML).
Recently, for example, the suggestion Doug and SRI outline for picking a
core team is not really open source (as I usually think of it) in
spirit. To me, it indicates a collision of the corporate notion of
software development with the notion of volunteerism (i.e. you don't
pick a core open source team if much of the work is voluntary -- the
core team in effect picks you, and then maybe you negotiate what that
participation means or whether they can join the core.) Obviously, if it
is a paid effort, it is typical for a manager to pick employees from
candidates, so I understand Doug and SRI's reason for planning to do it
that way.
Again, for example, bringing in an outside manager is not really open
source in spirit as opposed to management by founders or participants.
I'm not saying bringing in an experienced manager from outside the
effort is not a good idea, or not required to get a grant, or won't work
(or wouldn't be a smart move in any conventional software effort) -- I'm
just saying that is a very different than open source as usual given the
context of an active discussion list. But then again, open source means
a lot of things to different people, and obviously Software Carpentry is
a novel attempt to do open source in a environment involving some money
changing hands in various ways.
Can the result of such efforts be "open source"? Of course -- just use
such a license at the end and it technically qualifies. Lots of people
get paid to develop open source software as part of their jobs. Can it
succeed? Quite possibly. Perhaps it is the best way to go, given that
Doug has a very specific idea in mind of what he wants to see
implemented (a better Augment). I think the Augment approach has
weaknesses (especially in the issue of the notion of documents vs.
nodes, and in the notion of linking vs. searching) but I'd still like to
see Doug and others make the attempt to build on that.
But, if you think deeply about the psychology of such announcements as
the effect existing (many silent) participants on the mailing list, you
will realize they would tend to make volunteers and potential volunteers
less enthusiastic. Both my wife and I have seen such things happen at
some established non-profits we have worked at (like zoos and
environmental groups), where there ends up being a huge distinction
between staff and volunteers, with volunteers sometimes treated as
cannon fodder to do scut work, and staff feeling entitled and
prestigious. Volunteers have to be pretty committed to persist in the
face of the difficulties and unpleasant environment the staff (or even
other "more senior" volunteers) at such organizations often
(unknowingly) create. Rather than foster a sense of inclusion into an
ongoing public efforts, some announcements sometimes make the OHS/DKR
effort sound more like a for-profit venture producing a product (with an
open source license admittedly) with some expectation of leaching off of
technically adept but otherwise socially stupid volunteer programmers. I
understand that may not be the intent -- but it is to me the way things
sometimes come across, based on the limitations email has in conveying
Open source done with some money involved can be a very complex
political animal. I guarantee the SRI effort will have internal
conflicts as it tries to decide how much to open source and what not to
(no matter what is said at the start), as usually government grants let
the contractor keep all rights (except some the government has just for
itself). And if not expressed directly, it will be expressed in what
employees are assigned to an open core and what are assigned to a
proprietary surrounding layer. I'm not singling out SRI specifically.
Most non-profits can't do open source well for the same reason -- they
need continued funding, and thus a desire to charge for information or
for an effort to become "self supporting through sales" (as many grant
request-for-proposals require) gets in the way of the desire to be open
with information. What non-profit manager wants to think about letting
loyal and hardworking staff go at the end of a contract? This is also
one consequence of granting agencies still not "getting" open source,
given the academic culture of copyrights and competition most reviewers
are steeped in. There is little acceptance or understanding yet in
granting agencies of the concept of "getting over a hurdle" by seed
funding a specific open source effort done by committed people and then
seeing what emerges and grows from that seed.
I had been reluctant at the start of the year to get involved with
Bootstrap because there was no open source track record (i.e. no actual
code or content put out there). I still feel this reservation was (and
is) warranted. Nonetheless, I continue to participate on this list
anyway because I see the value in communicating with the others on this
list -- not because I expect SRI (another organizations without a
significant open source track record to my knowledge) to swoop in and
implement something open source after they get $5M. I've seen large
organizations that can consume $5M without even blinking (sometimes just
by putting the first footstep in the wrong direction and refusing to
acknowledge that until miles later). I've even done some of that myself.
:-) Obviously, Augment is definitely in the right direction (my comments
on weaknesses not withstanding) and so it's likely good will come of the
money, if only an up-to-date agument that runs under Windows or Linux. I
wish SRI well, but somehow their effort feels to me very disconnected
from this forum -- perhaps because I haven't noticed SRI people as key
continuing on-line discussion participants. (Yes they do post, the issue
is how much and with what effect.) To an extent, the same thing happened
earlier with the local UnRev meetings at Stanford vs. using this list.
The biggest thing that would change the open source situation regarding
UnRevII in my opinion of this is the release of significant preexisting
code and content by the main participants under one or more specific
open source licenses. That action might also attract more developers.
Still, one should not underestimate the value of UnRevII as a good
forum, even if no open source software is produced directly from it.
UnRevII has succeeded at bringing together people interested in using KM
to help solve some global problems, and it has served to collect
pointers to much of the state of the art in that field. UnRevII has
succeeded at that, even as some open source developers have come by,
scratched their heads, and gone on to other projects. In that sense,
Bootstrap and Stanford have played a key facilatory role, and I thank
them for that.
As I have said before, perhaps UnRevII would have been even more
successful if the original mission had been explicitely a more
conservative one not involving any direct software development or
related IP assignment, as "a forum to discuss global issues KM could
help with, discover the state of the art in KM, and hopefully foster or
inspire independent efforts to make open source / nonproprietary KM
solutions building on the Augment legacy." If the charter was that, I
for one would get more out of the list and use it slightly differently
(in the sense of discussing more technology details without fear of
potential "permission to use" liability, and propose and comment on
short term small collaborations of a few people to code open source
things on specific issues, again without fear from "permission to use").
As for me, I'm starting another contract tomorrow (Java & XML <sigh>) so
I'll be a little less vocal on the list for a while.
-Paul Fernhout
Kurtz-Fernhout Software
Developers of custom software and educational simulations
Creators of the GPL Garden with Insight(TM) garden simulator
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