Jack Park wrote:
> http://news.linuxprogramming.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2000-10-31-001-05-CD
> <http://news.linuxprogramming.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2000-10-31-001-05-CD>
> There are two words which don't get much play in Linux development projects:
> Requirements and Design. Not surprisingly, it is the lack of these two
> things which causes most of the problems in open-source software. Too many
> developers in the Linux space start programming before they have a good idea
> of what their project functions and capabilities are. In other words, they
> start in the middle, not at the beginning.
Nice essay.
I think the cathedral-and-bazaar crowd's notions stem from ignorance
of history. They see Linus Torvalds magically appear with a Linux
kernel, or read of Gary Kildall(sp?) hacking out CPM for his own
use, and they think great code is written on the run --
overlooking the years of subconscious thought and endless deadends
and refinements and self-testing that go into such code.
-- ______________________________________________________Nicholas Carroll Email: ncarroll@inreach.com Alternate: ncarroll@iname.com ______________________________________________________
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