I'm sure you'll find the following links about 1) kMail, 2) WebKB and 3)
Conceptual Graphs based on the existential graphs of Charles Sanders Peirce as
enabling solutions for powerfully summarizing our Unrev2 mailing list!!!
1) kMail: E-mail, contexts and views
In "Tying Knowledge to Action with kMail, " David G. Schwartz and Dov Te'eni
exploit the Internet and e-mail to disseminate knowledge for the purposes of
capturing Organization Memory (OM) and "collective IQ". They emphasis the need
to tie knowledge to action and present the kMail system, which integrates e-mail
with organizational memories to distribute knowledge over the Internet at the
right time and to the right person. kMail lets e-mail senders contextualize
their messages by creating revelant views of the organizational memory. It also
uses metaknowledge consisting of user profile information and shared semantics
information. They describe the context through shared metaknowledge and link it
to the organization memory each time knowledge is used to perform an action.
Domain-specific criteria help determine the revelant views in the organization.
IEEE Intelligent Systems, Vol. 15, No. 3, May/June 2000
2) WebKB: Ontology-guided knowledge retrieval with conceptual graphs for
representing metadata on Web documents
3) Conceptual Graphs
Conceptual graphs (CGs) are a system of logic based on the existential graphs of
Charles Sanders Peirce and the semantic networks of artificial intelligence.
They express meaning in a form that is logically precise, humanly readable, and
computationally tractable. With their direct mapping to language, conceptual
graphs serve as an intermediate language for translating computer-oriented
formalisms to and from natural languages. With their graphic representation,
they serve as a readable,
but formal design and specification language. CGs have been implemented in a
variety of projects for information retrieval, database design, expert systems,
and natural language processing.
Slides and demo of the WebKB set of tools
Proceedings of Tenth Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop
The Enterprise Ontology
The Enterprise Ontology is a collection of terms and definitions relevant to
business enterprises. The ontology was developed in the Enterprise Project by
the Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute at the University of
Edinburgh with its partners: IBM, Lloyd's Register, Logica UK Limited, and
Unilever. The project was support by the UK's Department of Trade and Industry
under the Intelligent Systems Integration Programme(project no IED4/1/8032)
Conceptually, the Enterprise Ontology it is divided into a number of main
sections -- these are summarised below.
Other Publications, etc.
Jack Park wrote:
> At today's meeting with Henry and other bootstrappers at SRI, Henry advanced
> the concept of a web site that, itself, would become a kind of DKR. That
> concept involves many different but interrelated ideas, including an online
> e-zine related to OHS development.
> One of the most important ideas is that of a kind of summarization of the
> many threads/themes that have passed through the Unrev2 mailing list. It
> seems that this could be handled in several ways, all of which includes
> necessity of passionate editorial volunteers. If I recall rightly,
> bootstrap.org has all threads archived in hypermail (or words to that
> effect).
> I have been asked to begin the process of solicitation of interest and
> action in the direction of producing topical summaries. This could be the
> effort of one, lone, towering individual, or it could be a kind of
> collaborative comprised of several towering individuals who divide up the
> territory, say, by thread, and accomplish the task.
> Given that there really does exist the framework by which the entirety of
> Doug's vision as expressed in the Unrev2 series at Stanford may become a
> reality, let me take this opportunity to suggest that those readers of this
> post who are capable of taking on some aspect of this summarization task
> please notify either this list <click reply, type YES, click send> or
> forward a YES to, say, doug@bootstrap.org <mailto:doug@bootstrap.org> or me
> at jackpark@verticalnet.com <mailto:jackpark@verticalnet.com> .
> Profound thanks in advance.
> Jack Park
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