Re: [unrev-II] It could have happened...

From: Eric Armstrong (
Date: Wed Nov 15 2000 - 16:36:51 PST

  • Next message: Eric Armstrong: "Re: [unrev-II] National Medal of Technology"

    Once again, fascinating.
    I'm not sure the average dimensions of meteorites,
    but the ability to survive a one-meter puncture
    sounds like it may be reasonable.

    The habitats would have earth-normal gravity,
    then? (Important, given the loss of bone
    density we now know about.)

    As a major lifestyle thing, I wouldn't be all that
    much of a fan. But as a "reseeding station", manned
    with a large crew that spent maybe 2 years in
    occupancy, such a thing might make a lot of sense!

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