[unrev-II] A truly interesting discussion at Edge.org

From: Jack Park (jackpark@verticalnet.com)
Date: Thu Nov 16 2000 - 09:10:47 PST

  • Next message: Rod Welch: "[unrev-II] Listening to Doug - Alliance and Partners"

    a quote:
    "The failure modes of practical software are quite different from what is
    seen in chemical/biological systems. When a computer crashes (and I mean a
    real computer, not a thought experiment in a math journal), nothing else
    happens. The is no more processing. When an organism crashes, it turns into
    food for other organisms. Its information is not entirely lost from the
    system. I recognize that this point will probably fall on deaf ears to
    respondents who think of computers as already being autonomous and
    biological in some sense. I think a careful examination of computers as they
    are in the real world will show that all the "biological" properties of
    digital technology are brought to the table by the people who maintain the
    technology. "
    This is the second part of two parts following a half a manifesto by Jeron

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