Adam and the gang,
Please see my letter with ideas on using the record, and incorporating
conversation to create a DKR that supports project objectives for an OHS and
Adam Cheyer wrote:
> Just for fun, I called Doug to see if he could shed light on the definitions
> of these terms. Here's what I got:
> Hyperdocument: "The knowledge container. No one says it has to be a file,
> any container."
> Dynamic Knowledge Repository: "The handbook, the conversations and
> annotations,
> the contents. Dynamically up to date representing the state of the
> repository.
> If you want more depth, you can trace back and find the evolution of
> that in
> the record."
> OHS : "A toolset with the structure and properties of the knowledge
> containers plus the functions that you can execute on them, including
> viewing,
> traveling, linking, editing, etc. Includes auxilliary languages,
> compilers, tools,
> user interface. Does not include the contents of documents itself,
> only how you structure and operate on them."
> HyperScope: "Part of the OHS, that you can implement early and get
> immediate
> utility in the context of legacy files. As it evolves to add more
> features
> (e.g. backlinking, editing), it becomes a bigger part of the OHS."
> OHS to me now seems almost like the term "MS Windows", which contains the
> operating
> system, the look and feel, the philosophy, as well as a set of included
> tools such
> as the web browser or media player. But it appears OHS does not represent
> the content
> of the knowledge repository or containers (documents).
> Doug was thrilled to be asked about it and was happy that we are having
> dialogs
> about this because he emphasized how working through terms is an essential
> part
> of cooperative knowledge work.
> -- Adam
> ps: Does reply work better not that I'm not sending as HTML?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Armstrong []
> Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 4:46 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [unrev-II] Re: Tuesday's meeting
> Thanks for looking into that, Adam.
> Good to know that I hadn't just missed something obvious.
> Consistent terminology makes sense. It's the only tool we
> have to attack the problem with.
> I am totally in love with:
> HyperScope -- the viewer
> HyperDocument -- the thing viewed (a "slice" taken
> from a repository)
> Open HyperDocument Repository -- where they are kept
> OHS: HyperScope + OHR + HyperDocuments
> At the moment, I continue to reserve the term "DKR" for
> future developments. Jack and Howard are constructing
> the ontology for the OHS, and we need that. But later on
> they are going to want to build bigger and better
> ontologies to solve even deeper problems (yes?).
> I know that the OHS as currently envisioned will solve
> a lot of problems, and provide us with the ability to
> carry on intelligent, far-ranging discussions that can
> eventually "coalesce" to reach one or more conclusions.
> I'm not yet convinced, however, that it will give Jack
> and Howard *all* the tools they need to play with
> bigger and better ontologies -- to construct them,
> operate on them, and use them to deal with information
> in meaningful ways. Much as I want to see the capability
> come into existence, it is not all clear to me that the
> current design will be capable of doing that.
> So I tend to use DKR for that still-nebulous thing we
> hope to get to sometime downstream. In many ways, it
> is a label for my ignorance -- for all the things I
> have to understand about what we need, and about how
> to provide them. (The difficulty I have in following
> ontology-related discussions convinces me that the
> system I understand (the OHS) is unlikely to qualify
> as a DKR.)
> [BTW: When I reply to your messages, the automatic
> quoting feature does not seem to work. Perhaps because
> it is in HTML form? Or do you use IE, and it is doing
> something that is incompatible with Netscape's quoting
> mechansim?]
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