Hi Team,
Below, is an offer to join discussions through KM-News, which might lead to a
coherent theory of knowledge that supports an OHS and DKR capability. Work
developing and creating SDS since about 1985 led to POIMS, New World Order, and
other publications listed at....
...which explain an architecture of human thought. Over the past year the team
has not had enough time to take up these ideas, cited on 000120 as a predicate
to project objectives for developing an OHS/DKR capability...
Later, on 000324 Lee Iverson that SRI research revealed that other projects have
failed in attempting to develop KM technology....
...and recently on 001130 Paul Fernhout submitted an article reporting that IBM,
who is attempting to develop KM by expanding Lotus Notes in a program called
"Raven," is having difficulties due to lack of a coherent theory of
This experience indicates that a theory of knowledge is needed to move forward.
On 000327 Doug Engelbart cited his 1972 paper that explains the goal to improve
handling of daily working information....
This paper supports the theory of knowledge set out in POIMS based on an
architecture of human thought derived from developing and using SDS....
On 000426 Doug recommended that the team adopt a Guide to Running NICs....
...which would provide experience implementing ideas in his 1972 paper, and thus
lead to a coherent theory of knowledge for creating an OHS/DKR, under Einstein's
view that "knowledge" is closely related to experience.....
...which reflects work by Charles Peirce, who formulated an architecture of
human thought grounded in human experience, and was published under the heading
of "Semiotics" during a period that overlapped Einstein's career, as reported on
On 000518 Professor Mary Keeler explained Peirce's ideas on Semiotics during a
presentation at SRI; the record of that meeting sets out key factors of
None-the-less, on 000615 the DKR team reported that there is not enough
knowledge to create tools for an OHS/DKR that accomplishes Knowledge
On 000713 Cliff Joslyn, who heads up the KM effort at the Los Alamos National
Lab (LANL), advised that their group supports Peirce's ideas on Semiotics....
...that lead to a theory of knowledge essential for creating an OHS/DKR,
originally posed on 000120. Cliff was therefore invited to speak at SRI on the
work he and his team at LANL are doing to advance KM. On 000725 Cliff gave his
presentation at SRI, citing SDS as a way to accomplish KM....
During this period, the team did not have time to formulate and implement the
Guide to Running NICs, which Doug requested on 000427 for gaining experience
doing KM, based on his recommendation in the record on 000327 citing his 1972
paper on the scope and character of knowledge work. None-the-less, as reported
in the record of the team meeting at SRI on 001017, an experiential record
implementing Doug's 1972 paper, within the meaning of a Guide to Running NICs,
is available in SDS....
...which, also, cites a doc log showing correspondence and references provided
by contributors to the DKR team over the past year, showing project documents
are organized and integrated in the context of project objectives, as
contemplated by the Guide to Running NICs. SDS was used to add links and
anchors to each document in order to facilitate collaboration, which Doug
requested in his OHS/DKR Launch Plan submitted on 001025....
Additionally, action items to expedite team progress were submitted, as shown in
the record on 000922....
...which demonstrates the close correlation between action and information that
leads to a practical theory of knowledge, necessary to create useful KM tools.
Despite these resources and support, there has not been enough time for the DKR
team to develop a theory of knowledge. On 001117 a notice was received from
KMCI stating their group has developed a theory of knowledge that will be
presented in a course of study offered by KMCI.....
Research over the next week or so, led to the conclusion that KMCI's theory is
....but that KMCI may have the expertise to help the DKR team work on this task,
originally set on 000120, particularly since the KMCI leaders have a keen
interest in solving world problems....
....which animate DKR contributors....
Earlier on 001121 a proposal was submitted to assist the team in gaining
experience with KM by using SDS to accomplish Doug's ideas for a Guide to
Running NICs. Eugene KIM pointed out on 001126 that the team can get this done
without SDS by using existing tools. He laid out a comprehensive 6-point
program for taking action....
Grant Bowman cautioned that existing tools make it hard to accomplish KM.....
The foregoing record suggests that it is difficult to gain experience doing KM
without SDS, and that to create better tools requires this experience in order
to formulate a theory of knowledge that supports a coherent architecture. This
is an innovation loop, which can only be overcome by fostering a culture of
knowledge that gives people faith to invest intellectual capital in order to
grow useful knowledge.
We know how to do KM, but getting people to actually do KM requires courage to
step over the Rubicon, i.e., a huge emotional divide, between rewards from
"information" that are recognized immediately by biological senses (e.g.,
seeing, speaking and hearing), and bigger, but deferred, rewards of "knowledge"
that are devoid of the emotional charge derived from information. The dilemma
arises from the fact that our most cherished asset, common sense (see NWO).....
..., prevents people from investing time to do KM long enough to discover it
saves time and money, for the reasons set out in the letter to the team on
September 20, 2000.....
How does common sense encourage using information technology, and prevent using
When we get an email, the emotional urge is to immediately send "information"
telling others what we "know," rather than put that letter in the record, and
add subjects and links for organization and alignment for accuracy and context,
in order to discover what we "know," and then figure out how to respond, see
Eugene and Grant point out that doing KM requires diligence, which isn't fun,
even if it does yield better results.
Looking at the big picture shows that civilization has flourished by creating a
culture of farming, of finance, and a culture of education, which all entail
similar front-end investment that deter taking up KM, explained in the letter to
the team on November 2, 2000.....
Therefore, we have to build a culture of knowledge in order to take the next
step in the march of civilization, which requires engaging people in performing
KM. Just as we have constituted folks to do farming, finance and education, we
need folks to do KM, if we are going to move forward. The letter on 001004
explained that creating intelligence using SDS to do KM is fun and effective....
This provides a path for accomplishing project objectives and having fun, rather
than worry about diligence. Since talking about problems and opportunities can
eventually lead to taking action, joining the KMCI news letter may provide
another vehicle for creating a theory of knowledge that will support development
of OHS and DKR.
kmci wrote:
> -------------------------------------------
> km-News - December 2000
> -------------------------------------------
> - We welcome your KM ideas!
> - Change starts with a minority.
> - Unified Knowledge Language
> - Test Bed for KM
> In this inaugural issue, I invite you to join our
> discussion group, kmci@egroups.com Future issues will
> include reports on the kmci Institute, offering briefings,
> workshops, and in 2001, KM certification programs. Visit
> the Institute at
> http://www.kmci.org/Institute/InstituteHome.htm.
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Do the words Knowledge Management give you ideas? Do you
> need a forum to share and pursue them? You are always
> welcome at kmci@egroups.com, a gateway for grass roots
> activity within and around kmci. Join by sending a blank
> message to kmci-subscribe@egroups.com
> In January 1999, at the kmci conference, I was struck by
> how kmci draws together independent thinkers. We came
> with ideas that we had worked on for many years, and now we
> saw our opportunity to implement them.
> Knowledge management (KM) brings together new and old
> insights from many disciplines. The words "knowledge
> management" imply that "knowledge is an asset, and must be
> managed." Our corporate world now acknowledges and even
> champions the value of these many KM insights.
> However, we face a major obstacle: Knowledge has no value
> outside of context. Our relationships, inside and outside
> of our company, are what give knowledge value. We need to
> build these relationships!
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ---
> kmci@egroups.com is a gateway to help us find others with
> similar ideas, so that we might develop and implement them.
> All are welcome to join. We especially encourage kmci
> members, because the goal of kmci@egroups.com is to
> multiply our opportunities for leadership and initiative,
> so that our ideas can build momentum.
> kmci@egroups.com is moderated by the Mincius Sodas
> laboratory, ms@ms.lt, devoted to caring about thinking.
> As moderator, I especially wish to nurture points of view
> that have not yet been accepted by the majority, whether
> inside or outside the KM community. Change starts with a
> minority.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------
> How many of us would agree with David Dodds,
> drdodds42@h...? He believes that computers should become
> participants in KM practices. He loves the idea of a
> Unified Knowledge Language (UKL) which would simplify
> exchange between rules-based systems. Steve Raiff,
> raiff@b..., came up with simple applications: email
> templates by which we clarify our expectations for our
> readers. Dan Jones, djones@m..., confirmed the need for
> email tagging. Ann Lynn, Ann.Lynn@M..., shared ideas on
> what portion of knowledge is worth capturing or saving.
> If David Dodds builds enough critical mass, then he can
> start an independent working group, which at some point the
> kmci may officially sanction.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------
> Douglas Weidner, kmci Membership Chair,
> Weidner_Douglas@prc.com, wants to structure kmci as a test
> bed for the best KM practices. This can happen if we offer
> you, our KM leaders, your favorite ways of participating.
> What are they? Please, let us know by completing our
> survey at: http://www.egroups.com/polls/kmci/
> Thank you!
> Andrius Kulikauskas
> Editor, km-News
> editor.km-news@kmci.org
> Knowledge Management Consortium International
> http://www.kmci.org
> P.S. Don't forget to send a blank message to
> kmci-subscribe@egroups.com I will see you there!
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