You have been snagged by the inscrutability of distributed mechanisms.
E-msil systems in distributed operation are my favorite source of
system-incoherence examples.
If people are wondering what has people be tool-adverse, I say you are
looking in the right place.
This is something to consider when you look at more-fine-grained linking and
granularity of material, as mentioned recently. Expect surprises when
making seemingly straightforward combination of an email format, email
clients, and an external tool for interpreting the message bodies.
To you specific question: The likely cause is differences in the e-mail
client used to read and reply to postings here. For example, I obtain
unrev-II eGroup postings via e-mail forwarding and I can use my client of
choice. I don't even ask for digests because my client will sort and file
incoming e-mails anyhow. If you are using a Web browser to access the
group, you are constrained by the implementation at the server. There may
be setting that you can adjust to make responded-to messages editable. Or
you just may have failed to see how to scroll down and find it. There are
many other cases.
By the way, I discourage use of HTML-formatted e-mail. There is too much
room for mischief, including delivery of scripts and delivery of links to
material that is required in order to properly view the message. I don't
keep a constant-on Internet connection, and having my dialer pop up
repeatedly while I am trying to view someone's HTML message just leads me to
delete the message.
-- Dennis
AIIM DMware Technical Coordinator
AIIM DMware http://www.infonuovo.com/dmware
ODMA Support http://www.infonuovo.com/odma
Dennis E. Hamilton tel. +1-425-793-0283
mailto:orcmid@email.com fax. +1-425-430-8189
-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Armstrong [mailto:eric.armstrong@eng.sun.com]
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2000 13:33
To: unrev-II@egroups.com
Subject: [unrev-II] Email question
I don't get it. You can intersperse your answers to the original
message. Why can't I intersperse my replies with yours?
"Garold L. Johnson" wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Fernhout [mailto:pdfernhout@kurtz-fernhout.com]
> Gary-
[ ... long inclusion deleted ... ]
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