RE: [unrev-II] Refactoring and information annealing

From: Garold L. Johnson (
Date: Tue Dec 26 2000 - 08:15:25 PST

  • Next message: John J. Deneen: "[unrev-II] Ontology-based Information Extraction & Collaboration Proposals"

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Dennis E. Hamilton []

    Ah, more inscrutibility!

    I just hit reply on this in Outlook 2000 (Internet Mail Only Configuration).
    Although my default format is plaintext, it set up the reply in HTML because
    the incoming message was in HTML.

    However, I selected the reply window's Format | Plain Text menu option,
    accepted the warning about lost formatting, and now have a reply in plain

    And here we are. There are enough (inscrutable) variations among Outlook
    configurations that others might not be able to find this idiom.

    To get around the listserver taking all replies to itself, I also pasted
    Gary and Joe's e-mail addresses into the Cc: entry.

    Just some of the things I've allowed my software to train me to tolerate.

    -- Dennis

    {glj]Works just fine -- once you turn off Microsoft Word for editing!

    I just *love* consistency!


    Garold (Gary) L. Johnson

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