Re: [unrev-II] Seeking definition for "DOM"

From: N. C a r r o l l (
Date: Thu Jan 04 2001 - 11:22:04 PST

  • Next message: G. Ken Holman: "Re: [unrev-II] Seeking definition for "DOM""

    > On Wed, 3 Jan 2001, N. C a r r o l l wrote:
    > [DOM description deleted]
    > > Is that similar to what Doug is describing as an "intermediary
    > > document"?
    > >
    > Mmm, weighty question. Short answer is yes. It's similar in that a
    > DOM-like interface could indeed be used to manipulate this "intermediary
    > document."
    > I found the phrasing of the question revealing. The DOM is an interface
    > to a document, not the document itself, which makes this question somewhat
    > of an apple-orange comparison. However, from a design standpoint, it's
    > probably more valuable to think about the "intermediary document" as an
    > interface and perhaps a document interchange format, rather than as an
    > actual document, which is a point I think Ken was trying to make earlier.

    OK, works for me. An I-doc isn't necessarily the doc itself either,
    if I understand Doug correctly -- though it could become one if
    saved to storage. Sounds about like apples and pears. Same fruit
    basket, anyway.



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