... a potential and revolutionary Ad Hoc Mobile OHS/DKR project?
The Internet Developer / Technology Group (Sponsors: Right-Net.com and
Information on Recent Meetings
* January 16, 2001, Dewayne Hendricks, CEO of Dandin Group, a
technical advisor to the FCC on Ultra Wideband and project manager
of the UWB project in Tonga discussed, Personal Reflections on
Technology and Regulatory Issues. Dewayne holds a key position in
the evolution of this useful
* November 21, 2000, Integrated CMOS Ultra-Wideband Localizers the
use of Ultra-Wideband wireless technology for precise location is
an exciting wireless technology allowing modest communications and
precise location services. Robert Fleming of AEther Wire &
Location, Inc. is a leader in the field.
Many have speculated that the Next Generation Internet (NGI) will be
much more sensory interactive than the current Web. Adding the numbers
of sensors necessary to address this demand will bring the sensor
business to new paradigms. Preparing today to make this transition is
critical to the long-term success of an organization.
* "Napster and other peer-to-peer networking technologies are 'a
revolution that will change computing as we know it.'" - Patrick
Gelsinger, CTO
* "To some people, 'Ad-hoc network' usually means small number of
highly mobile nodes without infrastructure. I have something
different in mind. ...
Metropolitan area:
10E+07 houses (and other small buildings)
10E+03 networked devices per house
10E+10 total addressable devices.
Network capable of self-configuring at the scale of a large metropolitan
Useful even if no business involved in owning the net.
Can talk across town without any monthly bill.
Obviously much or most of the net will be wireless." - Tim Shepard, MIT
Laboratory of Computer Science.
The notion that every device in the network is a router is key. This
allows you to construct ad-hoc packet radio networks, where every device
is intelligent and an active part of the network. INTELLIGENCE BELONGS
IN THE DEVICE, NOT IN THE NETWORK. Also, bandwidth symmetry is a key
concept in the network architecture. It allows all devices to be both
equal consumers and producers of information.
attached mail follows:
Call for Participation
co-located with the
23rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2001)
Westin Harbour Castle Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
May 13-14, 2001
Workshop Web site:
March 15, 2001 Electronic submission of the position paper
March 31, 2001 Invitation to the workshop
May 13-14, 2001 Workshop
June 1, 2001 Invitation to submit to ACM TOSEM
Gruia-Catalin Roman,
Washington University in Saint Louis, MO, USA,
E-mail: roman@cs.wustl.edu, WWW: www.cs.wustl.edu/~roman
Gian Pietro Picco,
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
E-mail: picco@elet.polimi.it, WWW: www.elet.polimi.it/~picco
The goal of this workshop is to examine an important new wave of
technological changes in the computing environment, i.e., the integration
of computing, communication, and mobility.
In traditional computer networks, applications that are permanently located
on the same fixed hosts exchange messages via the standard infrastructure
made of fixed routers and switches. This conventional scenario is being
stretched in two different directions by the introduction of mobility. On
one hand, the physical mobility of hosts is nowadays enabled by the
increasing use of base stations (fixed routers with wireless communication
capabilities) placed at the periphery of the fixed network, to control
message traffic to and from mobile hosts forming a dynamic
fringe. Ultimately, mobile hosts can detach themselves completely from the
fixed infrastructure and may evolve independently of it in a completely
untethered fashion. Such clouds, called mobile ad hoc networks, are
opportunistically formed structures that change rapidly in response to the
movement of the carriers to which the mobile hosts are attached.
Across this highly dynamic physical structure a logical layer still more
fluid is emerging. Code mobility removes the static binding between the
software components of a distributed application and the network hosts
where they are executing. Relocation of such components is then enabled, to
achieve a higher degree of flexibility and customizability, or improved
bandwidth utilization. More radical views encompass migration of execution
units, mobile agents autonomously performing tasks without requiring
permanent connectivity with the client. Although the interest in code
mobility is being popularized and amplified by the success of the Java
language, the relevance of mobile code is not only technological. This form
of logical mobility has the potential to completely change the way
distributed applications are conceived and deployed, by lifting the
location where a component is executed to the status of first-class design
Sorting out the software engineering implications of this intriguing and
perplexing wave of technological changes is a nontrivial task. This
Workshop is dedicated to the notion that software engineering must play a
constructive role during these early and exciting phases in the development
of the infrastructure and applications supporting mobile
computing. Researchers are invited to discuss fundamental models, emerging
themes, research opportunities, technological trends, and market forces in
the field of mobile computing and communication. The immediate objective
is to provide a forum for intellectual debate. The ultimate goal is to
define an influential research agenda for the area as a whole and to
generate advocacy for it by stimulating new research initiatives.
Contributions are sought regarding any research issue specific to (any form
of) mobility, and related to software engineering. Position papers
describing approaches that aim at defining a common ground for physical and
logical mobility are particularly welcome. Topics include, but are not
limited to:
Technology: * middleware, runtime systems, computing environments
* software architectures, design patterns
* programming language constructs
* algorithms
Models: * semantics
* specification
* verification
Applications: * case studies
* experience reports
* performance comparisons
All position papers accepted for presentation in the workshop will be
included in the proceedings, distributed to all the workshop attendees and
available for sale to ICSE participants. An electronic version of the
workshop proceedings will be made available on the Web.
Plans call for extended versions of a select set of position papers to be
invited for publication in the ACM Transactions of Software Engineering and
Methodology (TOSEM). The selection will be based on the quality of the
technical presentation, the editorial needs, and the originality of the
material included in the position paper. Paper review and final acceptance
will follow standard TOSEM procedures.
Authors are invited to submit by e-mail a single electronic version of
their position paper to the address mobility@elet.polimi.it. Both
PostScript and PDF formats are acceptable. Submissions must be received by
March 16, 2001. The position paper must be in English, formatted according
to the guidelines for ICSE proceedings, and a maximum of 4 pages long
(exclusive of the cover page). The cover page must contain: the title; the
authors' names and affiliations; the electronic address for the contact
author; and an abstract of no more than 200 words.
Papers submitted for consideration may be based on previously published
material or papers currently under review, provided that this fact is noted
and a reference to the original material and its publication status is
provided. Nevertheless, authors should keep in mind that only position
papers that contain original unpublished material will be considered for
the invitation to publish their results in TOSEM.
Pending approval from NSF, travel grants will be made available on a
competitive basis to doctoral students interested in participating to the
workshop. Grants will range from $500 to $1,000. Requests for travel
grants must be received by March 16, 2001, in the form of a one-page
position statement following the aforementioned submission guidelines. The
cover letter of the position statement should include the expected date of
graduation, as well as the name of the student's advisor.
All authors whose position papers are relevant for the themes of the
workshop will be invited to attend. A special invitation to present a
position paper and lead the related discussions will be extended to authors
whose work and ideas promise to be influential, are thought provoking, or
offer an interesting integration of existing research trends.
The workshop will be organized around a critical evaluation of the ideas
advocated in these position papers. Brief paper presentations will be
followed by moderated plenary discussions. Ample time will be reserved for
in-depth exploration of ideas about the future of mobility and its impact
on the software engineering community.
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