I have no idea where screenshots would be. I found it most liberating just
to download the binaries and boot it. It comes up and builds its own
database. I think it a major giggle to boot and play with.
Remember that hierarchies are just one view. There are many others, and the
way this thing works, it supports nearly all of them.
Just consider concept space, completely undefined, structurally speaking.
Define some nodes. Then, string them together, perhaps into a taxonomy,
perhaps into a different kind of graph along some other dimension
(relation). You can do whatever you want.
I am thinking, but will not know for sure until I have more time to play
with GZZ, that the basic underlying notions of Nelson's ZigZag architecture
might prove to provide a canonical, unbiased knowledge structure. It seems
worth thinking about.
From: N. C a r r o l l <ncarroll@inreach.com>
> Jack:
> [snip]
> > "ZigZag is a way of representing the structure of information. Compared
> > the previous ways, ZigZag is very different, for example the concepts of
> > 'file', 'folder' and 'application' are abandoned. Because of this a bit
> > fantasy, creativity and an ability to forget previous knowledge is
needed in
> > order to understand ZigZag.
> Interesting stuff. Are there screenshots posted anywhere?
> > A ZigZag structure consists of cells and dimensions. A cell is the basic
> > unit of information of a ZigZag structure. Cells containing related
> > information are connected with each other along dimensions, the number
> > which is infinite. A ZigZag structure is separate from its visualisation
> > the way the data is presented on the screen), which means that a ZigZag
> > structure can have many visualisations designed for different purposes.
> There are lots of people doing interesting things with visualization:
> lattices, topographies, etc. Far from "killing the hierarchy for once
> and for all" (I suspect hierarchies will survive quite well), what
> really interests me for OHS is a data structure that accommodates
> many views -- without a bunch of gymnastics at the middleware level.
> N.
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