Re: [unrev-II] IBIS in XTM

From: Eric Armstrong (
Date: Mon Feb 05 2001 - 16:09:47 PST

  • Next message: Jack Park: "Re: [unrev-II] IBIS in XTM"

    Ok, failing my favored print output, but given the
    importance, I reviewed the paper online. (Fortunately,
    it was short.)

    Jack Park wrote:
    > I have placed a draft (rough, unfinished) on my web site at
    > <>

    Some comments:

      * One of IBIS's cool features is that you never express
        a claim *without* introducing an (open-ended) question
        that it responds to.

        By explicitly stating the question, you leave room for
        other possible answers, and for an evaluation of the
        alternatives wrt the original claim.

        This is particularly appropriate in design discussions.
        Rather than simply proposing "X", one first states the
        question, "How should we accomplish Y?", and the
        propose "X" as an answer. That immediately creates the
        hook on which other possible answers can be hung.

      * I'm on the first page, and although most of labels in
        the graph are intuitively clear, I must confess that I
        have no idea what a "warrant" would be, or how it would
        relate to a claim. (I'm sure I'll get the idea as I
        read on. I just wanted to point out that it's not
        intuitively understandable, at this juncture.)

      * Hmmm. I better read the XTM paper. I don't know much about
        it, and the paper isn't giving me much background on it.

    All in all, it looks like an intriguing start. I look forward
    to future drafts.

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