This is a great insight. In fact, I'm cross-postiing this response to open
the discussion to others who are not on OHS-DEV.
I have been a great fan of groves. I watched a demo of GroveMinder, in
which a single web page was created from a Word document and an Excel
spreadsheet, all through the grove engine. What they have is a basic engine
coupled to plug in adaptors, each of which is coded specifically for a given
document type. GroveMinder lets you write your own adaptors in Python and
just plug them in. (BTW: I have not been eager to climb the SGML mountain,
which is why I am enthused by the possibility of doing groves and HyTime in
I mentioned this before, but at this URL, http://www.inxar.org/ , there is a
discussion and javadoc for what the author told me is a different way of
thinking about groves. His metaphor is that of lilly pads in a pond.
A distributed grove engine, of which GroveMinder just might be an instance,
coupled with distributed document management tools, if not a killer app,
will certainly be an OHS core technology. I think OHS core technology will,
itself, be a killer app.
----- Original Message -----
From: Lee Iverson <leei@ai.sri.com>
To: <ohs-dev@bootstrap.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 8:01 AM
Subject: Re: DKRs without the "K"
> In message <Pine.LNX.4.33.0102140351430.4389-100000@jack.pacbell.net>,
Eugene E
> ric Kim writes:
> >
> >Groves are directed graphs of nodes, so the data structures you propose
> >above qualify as an implementation of a grove. A property set describes
> >how the grove is constructed and what it consists of. If you want a
> >DOM-like data model for manipulating a document, you create a property
> >that defines element nodes, attribute nodes, etc. If you want a data
> >model like the one described above, you create a property set that
> >text nodes and structure nodes and data nodes.
> >
> >I don't think groves conflict at all with what you're proposing. In
> >I think we're essentially thinking about the same picture (you can
> >correct me if I'm being presumptuous), although I'm not sure how you
> >specify the data models with DTDs. Basically, you're proposing a grove
> >constructor which has a property set parser. In order to construct a
> >grove, you need a plug-in for that document type that consists of a
> >document parser and a property set. The document parser creates a parse
> >tree, then the grove constructor takes that tree and the property set to
> >construct the grove.
> After reading a few of the grove introductions, I'm way psyched. That is
> exactly the conclusion I've come to. What I'm designing is a distributed
> grove engine. I need to understand more about the granularity, but the
> of having a few basic building blocks for all structured document types
> a means of manipulating them in a distributed environment is going to be
> a real killer app.
> >
> >I think the twist that you've thrown in (which you first introduced when
> >you suggested the DDOM many moons ago) is that your grove implementation
> >is designed to work in a distributed environment, with features like
> >version control. That's cool stuff.
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