Re: [unrev-II] Collaborative Discussion Tools

From: Eric Armstrong (
Date: Mon Apr 16 2001 - 17:53:25 PDT

  • Next message: Eric Armstrong: "Re: [unrev-II] Collaborative Discussion Tools"

    To my mind, the consideration of links in an email
    system stems from a lack of familiarity with outliners.
    That leads to a desire for a message like this:

       [me]I think that in _link_to_message9_ when you state
       that "_quote_from_msg9_", you need to have
       your head examined, because as _personX_ clearly
       stated in _link_to_message8_, the answer is
       obvious. To whit: "_quote_from_msg8_".

    An outline-oriented conversation, on the other hand,
    would look more like this:

       [personX]1...msg8 -- subject ...

       [personX]2...msg8 -- more...

       [personX]3...msg8 -- more ...


          [personY]2...msg9 -- point made ...

              [me]You need to have your head examined.
                  See [personX.1].

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