>Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 12:33:00 +0200
>From: Eric van der Vlist <vdv@dyomedea.com>
>Subject: ANN: XSLTunit
>To: "xml-dev@lists.xml.org" <xml-dev@lists.xml.org>
>I am happy to announce XSLTunit [1] 0.1, the alpha release of an open
>source framework to do unit testing of XSLT templates ala Junit.
>The idea came to me following the wonderful XP (eXtreme Programming)
>workshop by Robert Martin and James Grenning at SD West 2001 and was
>encouraged by a discussion with Ron Jeffries after his presentation with
>Chet Hendricksen about "test first programming".
>This should be considered as an alpha release, but having used XSLTunit
>during the development of... XSLTunit, I can say that it has already
>been quite helpful.
>XSLTunit is also something I needed to carry forward the development of
>examplotron [2]: the examplotron compiler implemented as a XSLT
>transformation needs a bit of refactoring that is scary to perform
>without unit tests.
>There might be other links between these two projects that might seem
>independent since it could be interesting to assert in a XSLT unit test
>that a result tree fragment is a valid examplotron instance.
>One of my other purposes with this publication is to show that the XP
>approach can be used to develop XSLT transformations.
>Eric van der Vlist
>[1] http://xsltunit.org/
>[2] http://examplotron.org/
>See you in Hong Kong for www10:
> http://www.www10.org/program/w10-half-tut.shtml#ta5
>Eric van der Vlist Dyomedea http://dyomedea.com
>http://xmlfr.org http://4xt.org http://examplotron.org
>The xml-dev list is sponsored by XML.org, an initiative of OASIS
>The list archives are at http://lists.xml.org/archives/xml-dev/
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