Re: [unrev-II] Ubiquitous Collaboration

From: Bernard Vatant (
Date: Sat May 26 2001 - 07:45:39 PDT

  • Next message: archaon: "Re: [unrev-II] Ubiquitous Collaboration"


    I read you with much interest, and even printed it out an annotated with pencil on paper, which I do too rarely now!
    A few remarks on some points, and more barriers I would add (if the ones you mention were not enough ...)

    << We anticipate a work environment in which every person is organically connected to a team of common purpose no matter what they are doing or what software they might be using. An individual's thoughts, decisions and actions become amplified and enhanced by an automatic, seamless integration with the thoughts, decisions and actions of others >>

    I'm wondering how I would feel in such an environment, and for what purpose anyone would want it.
    So I have some questions popping up there: Is knowledge an aim or a tool? And if a tool, a tool for what purpose? Is it all about productivity? If so what do we want to produce? More knowledge than we can already deal with? things like that ...

    << A huge technical barrier is something I will call the tyranny of format ...>>

    As Jack Park reminds there every once in a while, Topic Maps seem the good path to get rid of that one ...

    I would add to your list those three important barriers:

    * Human bandwidth overload: In the very loose Web environment, I've yet too much more relevant information than I am able to manage and process. My bandwidth in terms of time-concentration-comprehension capability is not extensible. How will I use it the more efficiently possible?

    *Fuzzy concepts proliferation: The pervasive knowledge technologies and languages keep creating heaps of new concepts in the field of information and knowledge processing and interchange. Most of them are either ill-defined or overlapping or redundant (or all of those), and all of them more and more abstract. To select among that proliferation a consistent and relevant ontology for tuning the community interchange is a challenge.

    *Opacity of projects: Linked to the previous points: What is the collaboration aiming for? Do I participate constructively or am I off-topic? Those questions are maybe among the reasons for what you call the failure of trust.



    Mondeca - "Making Sense of Content"

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