While this WebEx material is self-promotiong, the Forrester report
referenced below sounds very interesting. It's another interesting
perspective on this type of technology. Would anyone like to share
their WebEx experiences? I haven't used it yet.
-- -- Grant Bowman <grantbow@svpal.org>----- Forwarded message from WebEx <letters@webex.com> ----- From: "WebEx" <letters@webex.com> Reply-To: "WebEx" <watercooler@webex.com> To: grantbow@svpal.org Subject: WebEx Water Cooler News - June 2001 Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 10:35:46 -0700 Message-ID: <001401c0ed1c$ca07f440$b711a8c0@leol> X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4522.1200
[toc-icon][logo_webex] June 2001 WebEx Water Cooler News If you wish to unsubscribe, please see instructions at the bottom of this Email. Please note that this issue of the Water Cooler is available in its entirety online. If you are having trouble accessing the links in this Email, please copy and paste the following URL into your browser: http://www.webex.com/home/watercooler/watercooler_0106/ index.html We've all heard of e-commerce, but a new age is dawning. c-commerce, or collaborative commerce is here! Early adopters of Internet-based collaboration have been found predominantly in the Manufacturing industry, where enhanced supply chain management has been key to streamlining operations and cutting costs. A recent survey by Forrester Research showed that more than 75 percent of respondents in manufacturing industries intend to employ Internet-based collaboration technology to accelerate product development and reduce errors in the manufacturing process. The benefits of collaborative commerce, however, are not limited to the manufacturing industry. In the face of shrinking budgets, hiring freezes, and slowing markets, businesses across the board can benefit by breaking the rigidity of traditional business processes and improving the exchange of information throughout their value Web of employees, customers, suppliers, and business partners. Collaborative commerce improves trust, allows sharing of information, and eliminates friction associated with a business transaction. The perfect compliment to any business, collaborative commerce provides an interactive forum for improving business relationships, processes and customer satisfaction. WebEx can help your company enter the age of collaborative commerce - find out how! This month in the Water Cooler: # Guarantee a successful WebEx meeting Get the low down on how to make sure your electronic meeting is more effective than being there by following these ten steps, and get your chance to win a Palm VII! # Inside WebEx - Program Management WebEx corporate customers have access to a number of WebEx organizations whose job it is to make sure that your WebEx experience is unbeatable. See how our Program Management office coordinates the support and infrastructure activities to achieve customer goals... # WebEx Customer story - VeriSign After experimenting with a conferencing software product and concluding that its IT infrastructure was too cumbersome for their needs, VeriSign's Professional Services group contacted WebEx... # WebEx on the Road - June Please join us and learn more about WebEx, meet your local WebEx representative, receive fun, innovative giveaways, and participate in a live demo... # WebExpress News Read the latest headlines from WebEx and about WebEx... # Water Cooler Q&A - Get a WebEx T-Shirt! We're interested in hearing what you have to say about WebEx, the Water Cooler, Online Meetings and Events - whatever interests or puzzles you about WebEx and this industry. If we use your question in a future Water Cooler, you get a free WebEx T-Shirt! # Need More Information? # Water Cooler Archive What do you think of the Water Cooler? How do you like the WebEx Water Cooler Newsletter? Was it as informative as you like? What other features/articles would you like to see here? Please let us know. See you next time, at the WebEx Water Cooler! -------------------------------------------------------------- You have received this Email as an opt-in user of WebEx services. Please visit http://meet.webex.com/profile/ to update your profile or unsubscribe.
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-- -- Grant Bowman <grantbow@svpal.org>
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