Re: [unrev-II] Nexist and Education Feedback

From: Jack Park (
Date: Wed Jun 20 2001 - 20:45:20 PDT

  • Next message: Jack Park: "[unrev-II] Fwd: Storing XML in Relational Databases"


    I am not sure where to go with this, but I will say the following: at, there is a zipped Word doc that
    shows screenshots with a bit of verbiage about running an IBIS discussion
    with Nexist. Howard Liu and I are preparing Nexist to go into a high
    school classroom in September, specifically to allow students to conduct
    moderated discussions, say, about global warming, and so forth. Our goal:
    exercise Nexist in a real-world situation for the first time. What we plan
    to learn: whatever we can. Jeff Conklin's upcoming Dialog Mapping
    workshop, I think, will help in my planning for the school room exercise.

    Will that enhance education? Well, I think so, as discussed in my paper
    Bringing Knowledge Technologies to the Classroom, a pdf of which is also at
    the Nexist site.

    Today, I also put the very latest version of Nexist itself at the same
    site, and a second download of the required jar files. Now, everything you
    need to play with Nexist is readily available. Your only issue will be to
    have a late model Java (I built it on jdk1.3) installed, and adjust the
    classpath notations in the batch files to suit (sorry, I can't say anything
    about Mac or Unix, but I think Grant put some scripts for Linux up at


    At 11:52 AM 6/20/2001 -0700, you wrote:
    >Please see my letter with feedback you requested, and asking about feedback on
    >improving education.....
    >Jack Park wrote:
    > >
    > > I have placed my latest Nexist 0.2 classes and source on the web. Visit
    > > to download them.
    > >
    > > This turns out to be an interim solution until I coax secure cvs to run
    > > properly on Win ME (is that possible?).
    > >
    > > Changes include numerous bug fixes and enhancements to functionality (some
    > > just completed, others added). Now, it is possible to generate a "drill
    > > down" topic map in which you create a topic in one topic map, and use
    > > occurrences of that topic to reference other topic maps.
    > >
    > > I shall be very interested to see what others make of that idea.
    > >
    > > Cheers
    > > Jack
    > >
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