Re: [unrev-II] About Telelearning

Date: Wed Jun 27 2001 - 10:17:43 PDT

  • Next message: Eric Armstrong: "Re: [unrev-II] OFFTOPIC? frames, scopes, and functions"

    On Wed, 27 Jun 2001, Jack Park wrote:

    > · Encourage Group Work: Give assignments to small groups. If a class
    > is large, divide it into two or more discussion groups. Assign individuals
    > within groups the role of "teacher" for small portions of the course.

    I've been working on some undergrad and graduate work recently. It's
    very popular to have students work in groups. Problem based learning
    and all that. Is there a generally accepted unrev-ish response to the
    common complaint with such situations: the above average or more
    motivated students get held back by the common denominator leading to
    mediocore output?

    I assume this is an issue in any environment where augmented
    collaboration is desired but I haven't found any resources which
    address it. Are there any?

    Chris Dent  <>

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