Re: OFFTOPIC:Re: [unrev-II] Fwd: Re: [PORT-L] Comments On Terrorist Attacks

From: Eric Armstrong (
Date: Thu Sep 13 2001 - 16:22:17 PDT

  • Next message: Eric Armstrong: "Re: [unrev-II] Semantic Community Web Portal"

    Gil Regev wrote:

    > Doug's vision also rests on the principle of co-evolution of humans
    > and technology.In the last couple of hundred years technology has been
    > evolving much faster than humans have.This partly explains why the
    > last century was the bloodiest in human history and, since we're
    > saying that technology evolution is accelerating, who knows what the
    > present century is going to be.

    Doug's vision may rest on that assumption, but as a species we are doing
    damn good job of proving the assumption wrong.

    The goal of nearly invention is to "make X easier", But do we use that
    time to
    work less and take it easy. No. We use it to do more. Hence the
    rate of technological innovation.

    WERE we to sit back and take it easy, then we might evolve at the same
    as the technology. But the fact that we haven't suggests that we won't.
    And if
    we don't, where are we headed?

    I suspect that Bill Joy's warnings were worth heeding...

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