Re: [unrev-II] Admin needed

From: Mark Szpakowski (
Date: Thu Sep 13 2001 - 19:57:38 PDT

  • Next message: Jack Park: "[unrev-II] Fwd: Better Networks: Look to Nature"


    I went through the process recently of changing the e-mail address used by
    Yahoo Groups to send me Unrev-II messages - it's extraordinarily
    un-intuitive and badly designed - I had to keep going back and forth
    between two separate sections (Unrev-specific and my
    Yahoo-profile-specific), and I don't even remember exactly what I did - but
    I was eventually able to change the e-mail address. Posting by e-mail from
    that new e-mail address should then succeed.

    After going to,
    Click "Edit My Membership" on the top right.
    This will take you to a page where you can "Choose the address to send
    email". You are given e-mail address options from which to select an
    address, and you can click the link to "Add email address" to add another
    such option.

    There's a completely separate section of Yahoo Groups where you change your
    profile, including principal and secondary e-mail addresses (not to mention
    Yahoo address if you choose to get one)

    Hope this helps (although it probably doesn't, since you now need to delete
    one of your accounts)...
    Mark (I am not an admin)

    At 07:07 PM 09/12/2001 -0700, Eric Armstrong wrote:
    >Is anyone an admin on this list?
    >I originally signed as
    >We just moved, and Yahoo won't let me post anymore,
    >so I resigned with my new recommened address:
    >But now I'm getting two copies of every message, since
    >Yahoo still sends to (They
    >just wouldn't let me post!)
    >Can someone remove the
    >address from the unrev2 list???

    Mark Szpakowski   
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