In my wanderings I found this short paper (and found it to be a good read)
"Businesses such as law firms have recently made large investments in
information and communication technology. Eurojuris is a network of law
offices in Europe, covering 650 different cities/locations in 19 countries
with a total of 3000 lawyers. In Eurojuris Norway, there are 11 law firms
with 90 lawyers. The Eurojuris law firms have invested in information and
communication technology facilitating inter-organisational knowledge
management. This research investigated benefits perceived from use of the
network among Eurojuris law firms in Norway. Benefit concepts were derived
from value activities, knowledge categories and knowledge levels. A survey
was conducted, and survey results indicate that benefits are perceived by
lawyers in problem-solving, choice, control and evaluation when they get
access to knowledge at an advanced level. There were significant differences
in benefits perceived. For example, benefits perceived from access to
declarative knowledge were significantly greater than benefits perceived
from access to administrative, procedural and analytical knowledge."
Even though the results are somewhat marred by the lack of size of the
sample for statistical purposes, there is some interesting thinking going on
here. Assuming the small sample size can be inductively generalized to a
wider sphere with any legitimacy, then the following is intriguing:
"The third proposition argued that benefits from information and
communication technology facilitating inter-organizational knowledge
networks will be greater at higher levels of knowledge. From Table 5 we see
that there are significantly more benefits associated with advanced
knowledge than with core knowledge, thereby providing support for more
benefits at higher knowledge levels when moving from core to advanced
knowledge. However, when moving from advanced knowledge to innovative
knowledge there are no more benefits. Hence, the third proposition is only
partly supported in the collected data. In fact, the collected data indicate
that advanced knowledge is the best knowledge level for IT support as
advanced knowledge is significantly higher than both core and innovative
knowledge in Table 5."
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