Re: [unrev-II] 'All-in-One' Online Resource & Promotional Multi-Network!

From: Eric Armstrong (
Date: Thu Oct 04 2001 - 15:09:11 PDT

  • Next message: Eugene Eric Kim: "Re: [unrev-II] Recommendations??"

    Peter Jones wrote:

    > >
    > >=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
    > >Note: This is NOT A SPAM - We both belong to the same
    > >Opt-In GROUP Email & Safelist which is why you received
    > >this email!...
    > >=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
    > >
    > Does anyone else feel the need to turn the list back into an Opt-Out
    > Group?
    > If so, how do we do that?

    One thing I'm going to do immediately is set up a filter for messages
    contain "this is not spam" or "this is not a spam".

    As for opt-in/opt-out -- how can a mailing list ever "opt in" to

    I think "opt out" proposals are just a scam perpetrated by spam artists.

    They figure if they make it sound good to congress, and buy enough
    dinners, they'll never know that (a) there are too many lists in the
    to opt out from in my life time and (b) by opting out, I'm giving my
    to the 1,450,000 other lists that one is going to deliver me to.

    Until we can pass a law that hits them hard for stealing my time, and
    time and energy of millions of other individuals in the world, I will
    endorse any and all proposals that strike back at the perpetrators and
    eradicate from our midst. (If the rhetoric sounds familiar, its because
    harbor similar animosity, coupled with the knowledge that it will take
    drastic action to remove these evil-doers from our midst...)

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