Re: [unrev-II] faceted classification

From: Eric Armstrong (
Date: Tue Oct 09 2001 - 22:06:36 PDT

  • Next message: Rod Welch: "[unrev-II] Faceted classification, accountability"

    "N. C a r r o l l" wrote:

    > ....As I came to realize in meeting crackerjack
    > information science folks, the card catalog was just the beginning
    > of search, because at a good library, the reference librarian *is*
    > the thesaurus, making the bridge between the rigidity of the catalog,
    > and the vague, unformed hollow in the searcher's knowledge.
    > Or, if you will: making the bridge between concept and hierarchy.

    I was always astonished at how often a librarian was able to translate
    my typically-
    uniformed query into search terms that produced highly useful results --
    both in my
    early years when card catalogs were all there was, and even much later
    with computerized
    search engines.

    It's one reason for my vision of a human-mediated FAQ tool. Where the
    responds to my query with what IT thinks, I reply "that sucks", after
    which an
    ontologist looks over the query and then translates it -- in a way that
    educates me
    and the computer at the same time, so that is then able to answer one
    more uninformed
    query than it was previously able to do.

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