RE: Rethinking TouchGraph was Re: [unrev-II] WebSPHINX

From: Gil Regev (
Date: Thu Oct 11 2001 - 03:04:06 PDT

  • Next message: Jack Park: "[unrev-II] Enterprise Java and open source"

    Your descriptions of WebSPHINX reminds me of the Mappucino project (IBM, Mappucino is a pretty old
    (96-97) project which

    "dynamically constructs visual maps of Web sites. The maps can be viewed
    using any Java-enabled browser, and can be stored for quick reference or
    shared with other users."

    A few years ago when I last visited the site, there was a demo applet you
    could use to construct a site map of any site you wanted. It then displayed
    graphs that are similar to TouchGraph. I can't find that demo anymore. The
    executable now runs only on Windows and needs to be downloaded. The
    technology is available for evaluaton but is not open source.

    googling for Mappucino I found an article about the "Visualization of
    Metadata" that seems interesting. Here's the abstract:
    Visualization research has transformed the operating system environment of
    Web browsers and OPACs, but has not yet changed the way we manipulate
    content. The potential for visualization of metadata and metadata-based
    surrogates is discussed, including a command interface for metadata viewing,
    site mapping and data aggregation tools, dynamic derivation of surrogates,
    and a reintroduction of transient hypergraphs from the tradition of
    cocitation networking. Digital library research into query-specific
    instantiation through agents accessing a central metadata repository is also
    discussed in the context of potential synergies between querying, browsing,
    and group information sharing.

      -----Original Message-----
      From: Jack Park []
      Sent: mercredi, 10. octobre 2001 19:45
      Subject: Re: Rethinking TouchGraph was Re: [unrev-II] WebSPHINX

      What a great thread Grant started. Thanks Grant. BTW: searching the
      at the WebSPHINX applet died, as did searching the Web.

      Keep in mind that WebL is free and open source, but subject to one
      condition: you don't get a license to distribute the WebL code with your
      project -- it must be downloaded from the web site. I haven't
      the ability to apply for a license to distribute WebL; don't think it's
      needed for what we are doing.


      At 01:50 PM 10/10/2001 -0400, you wrote:
    >Jack, thanks, WebL is a great resource. A particularly interesting page
    >off the WebL homepage is one that shows how easy it is to write WebL
    >At 09:53 AM 10/10/01 -0700, you wrote:
    >>WebSPHINX is a GPL project. A paper referenced at the websphinx site

    >>It's about SPHINX, apparently an earlier project.
    >>What's interesting is figure 2 in that paper, showing a TouchGraph-like
    >>image and an outline image. It turns out that much of the functionality
    >>WebSPHINX could be duplicated using WebL, an open source (not GPL) web
    >>scripting language (first introduced to me by Adam Cheyer) and available

    >><note>research.compaq was originally a group that was at DEC</note>
    >>Take WebL and TouchGraph and you have WebSPHINX, methinks.
    >>At 09:40 AM 10/10/2001 -0700, you wrote:
    >> bsphinx/
    >> >
    >> >At 09:36 AM 10/10/2001 -0700, you wrote:
    >> > >"WebSPHINX ( Website-Specific Processors for HTML INformation
    >> > >is a Java class library and interactive development environment for
    >> > >crawlers. A Web crawler (also called a robot or spider) is a program
    >> > >browses and processes Web pages automatically."
    >> > >
    >> > >A building block for complex systems, no?
    >> > >
    >> > >--
    >> > >-- Grant Bowman

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