[unrev-II] Black Belt test!

From: Eric Armstrong (eric.armstrong@sun.com)
Date: Mon Oct 15 2001 - 22:14:22 PDT

  • Next message: Rod Welch: "[unrev-II] Black Belt test - Go Eric!!!"


    The upcoming test for black belt candidate Eric Armstrong,
    and his fellow black belt candidates, to be held on

         Friday, November 16th

    at the

         Jung SuWon Martial Arts Academy
         107 Minnis Circle
         Milpitas, CA

    (Directions and map below.)

      * Testing will get started at 6:30pm, with the action
         commencing around 7pm and continuing until 9pm
         at least, and most probably until 10 or 11.

      * There will be quite a few demonstrations, as well
         as a lot of exciting action (gulp).

      * If you are in the area, and you can come by even if
         only for an hour or so to help cheer on the candidates,
         that would be awesome!

      * An RSVP isn't required, but it would help the folks
         who are doing the planning.

      * Please print a copy to give to any of our mutual friends
         who don't have email!

       From San Jose
             880 North past 237 to Dixon Landing Road

       From the Penisula
             237 East to 880
             880 North to Dixon Landing Road

        From the East Bay
              880 South to Dixon Landing Road

        From 880 and Dixon Landing
              Dixon Landing East (away from the bay)
              Over the railroad tracks,
                  to the next light (Milpitas Blvd.)
              Right on Milpitas Blvd.
              Right on Minnis Circle
                 --just before the 3rd light
                 --just before the police station on the right
                 --across from the fire station on the left
              Drive a short block to the "circle"
              Jung SuWon is inside the circle to your left.

    Map attached.

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