[unrev-II] jAugment

From: Jack Park (jackpark@thinkalong.com)
Date: Tue Oct 16 2001 - 07:03:46 PDT

  • Next message: Bernard Vatant: "Re: [unrev-II] Black Belt test!"


    "So you build yourself a wearable or another type of computer with uncommon
    UI-modalities? (3d, aureal, 4x20-LCD, morse-code, ...)
    But you already know that most software you use can either not be used
    effeciently with your I/O-modalities or can not cope with common situations
    like very sporadic network-avaliability. All these are problems this
    project aims at reducing.
    Here we try do develop a set of applications to be used with different
    kinds of wearables that are taking advantage of the unique features of a
    wearable computer. Of cause things like text-editors, e-mail-clients and
    mp3-players are there too but a path-finder, a street-map and a sceduler
    knowing the time-tables of busses and shops are applications that make much
    more sense for and need to be used much easier on a mobile computer than on
    a desktop."

    Project was registered at sourceforge.net on 12032000.
    LGPL. Java.

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