Re: [unrev-II] Knowledge Mining

From: Eric Armstrong (
Date: Mon Oct 22 2001 - 12:57:34 PDT

  • Next message: Eric Armstrong: "Re: [unrev-II] Simon's Paper"

    Peter Jones wrote:

    > I can recommend this short article in Fast Company magazine
    > "He drills for knowledge."
    > Plenty of hard won insight in few words.

    From that article:
        "'s not impossible to create trust online between people who
         haven't seen each other. There's also trust by proxy: I trust
         somebody because a friend whom I trust says that this person
         is okay."

    That's one of the operating system behind Aviri which, I am delighted
    to say, now has their software in production.

    Their software helps you identify the person with the skill or
    you need. Sorry to say, I can't seem to find a web site for them.

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